(about 700 years, from c. 3,300 BC - c. 2,600 BC)
_The Ice Age after the Flood was much different than what uniformitarians propose. Instead of ice ages being bitterly cold in the uniformitarian model, winters were actually much warmer due to the warm oceans while summers much cooler due to Flood volcanism and meteorite impacts and post-Flood volcanism. This equable, mild climate with little seasonal contrast occurred early in the Ice Age, contrary to uniformitarian expectations and climate simulations. The disharmonious associations of plants and animals early in the Ice Age, especially the warm-climate types so far north in the Northern Hemisphere, is evidence of such an equable climate, but strongly contrary to uniformitarianism. The animals thrived in this equable climate. The abundant moisture and mild temperature combined with rich virgin soil to provide perfect grazing over the middle and high latitudes. The diversity of mammal populations has been described as similar to the Serengeti of Africa.
_But the Ice Age was dynamic, changing all the time. By the end of the Ice Age, the climate was drastically different. Summers became warmer while the ice sheets melted. However, winters became even colder than today because of the existence of the ice sheets and the increased sea ice, resulting in a large seasonal contrast. Less-dense fresh water from melting ice caps in the mountains of the high and mid latitudes flooded over the top of salt water in high latitude oceans. This fresh water rapidly froze into sea ice. The greater amount of sea ice, colder sea surface temperatures, and the large ice sheets that formed after the Flood resulted in a drier atmosphere. Colder sea surface temperatures evaporate less water vapour into the atmosphere compared to today, while more sea ice restricts the oceanic evaporation in that area. Drought struck Australia and South America especially hard.
_The tropics and subtropics likely warmed to near their present temperatures once copious post-Flood volcanism had ended. The temperature difference between the low latitudes and the mid and high latitudes would be much stronger than today because of the existence of the ice sheets and the increased sea ice. The stronger the temperature difference, the stronger the jet stream by the thermal wind equation. Therefore, there would be much greater wind during deglaciation. This is supported by the abundant sand and loess, wind-blown silt, associated with the Ice Age. Fierce wind and drought would cause fires to rage across large areas of land. Most of the animals were not conditioned to cold winters as uniformitarian scientists think. When the winters became much colder, they were greatly stressed. Drought resulted in less food, which would have a greater impact on the larger and slower-reproducing animals.
_Rapid melting of ice and snow would occur in such a climate because of little winter snow. This resulted from less evaporation from a cooler ocean and warmer summer temperatures with much more solar radiation, due to the decrease in stratospheric aerosols. With less winter snow and warming summers, the winter snow easily melts early with most of the warm season dedicated to melting the ice sheet. Meltwater from the glaciers flooded the rivers and streams.
_The cold winters in non-glaciated areas at mid and high latitudes would create permafrost, which is known to have been significantly more extensive during deglaciation. Since the top of permafrost would melt during the summer and refreeze in the fall and winter, numerous summer bogs would occur south of the ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere and in non-glaciated areas of high latitude. Bog vegetation is often toxic to grazers, which most end-Pleistocene extinct animals were.
_Less forage, cold weather, drought, and winds combined to cause the mass extinctions. Each continent experienced their own unique variations of these factors. The vast majority, if not all, of the mass extinctions were caused by overchill {not overkill}. There are very few associations between megafauna and man, and most of them are found at kill sites. There is no reason for other sites to disappear in the short time since the Ice Age, so overkill had little or nothing to do with the mass extinctions.
At I quoted Michael Oard.
_If the Arctic Ocean was 86 degrees right after the Flood and cooled to 50 degrees when the Ice Age reached maximum depth and area, it would have taken 500 years to reach maximum {ice sheet} coverage, and another 200 years to end the Ice Age. The average depth of the ice sheet in the northern hemisphere was about 2,100 feet. In the southern hemisphere, mainly on Antarctica, it averaged about 4,000 feet. It would take 70 to 200 years to melt the ice sheet after it reached maximum depth.
(The impacts were very brief, but ice sheet melting, flooding & sea level rise took some decades.)
All these megafloods reinforce the idea that the Ice Age ice sheets melted catastrophically. Furthermore, the creationist Ice Age model has the potential to {account for} the Younger Dryas cold snap because there was very little sea ice, even in the Arctic Ocean, late in the Ice Age. (It is difficult to freeze the top of seawater, but a less dense cap of freshwater makes it much easier.) So pulses of freshwater floating over the saltwater from many megafloods and the catastrophic melting of the ice in general could have triggered the Younger Dryas {cold snap}. The effect would have been most dramatic over the Arctic Ocean. Of course, the Younger Dryas in the creationist{} scheme did not last on the order of a thousand years, as assumed by uniformitarian scientists, but would have been on the order of tens of years.
Rapid changes in oxygen isotope content of ice cores - Caused by fractionation and trajectory dispersion near the edge of an ice shelf
_Oxygen isotopes in ice cores extracted from polar regions exhibit a decreasing trend in the ratio of the heavy to light isotopes from the beginning of the Ice Age to its end, at which point the trend reverses sharply and then remains fairly constant for several thousand years. ... This paper will explore an alternative explanation for this trend. The growth of ice shelves during the Ice Age is shown to cause a decreased isotopic ratio at long distances from the edge of an ice shelf because of the fractionation of isotopes as a function of the vertical temperature distribution in the atmosphere and the dispersion of snow by crystal type, fall velocity, and wind fields. If ice shelves grew slowly during the Ice Age and melted rapidly during deglaciation, the trend observed in ice cores can be explained in thousands of years, consistent with a short interpretation of earth history.
_... Changes in ice cover were recently found to have occurred at extremely high rates near the Younger Dryas Event. The Younger Dryas Event is a climate reversal preceded and followed by abrupt warming during the deglaciation period.... The event is documented in the δ O-18 of most ice cores and many sea-floor sediment cores. Alley et al. have reported that portions of the Younger Dryas Event appear to have occurred in periods of less than four years. If these processes occurred in such short periods, the entire chronology of the ice age is brought into question. For example, the average global ocean temperature is typically estimated by the oxygen isotope ratios measured in ice cores. If these palaeotemperatures changed abruptly, by 5°C or so, they probably don’t represent average temperature, because the average ocean temperature could not change this much without a catastrophic cause. ...
_The sudden rebound in δ O-18 to higher values above the minimum in δ O-18 has been typically explained by the ‘deglaciation’ brought about by some as yet unknown mechanism which produced sudden warming. However, recent evidence has shown that this ‘deglaciation’ occurred in an extremely short period of time. Some events in this steep portion of the curve, such as the ‘Younger Dryas’, show periods as short as four years. ...
_Conclusions and recommendations
It would appear that this simple, first model for the dispersion of δ O-18 as a function of distance from the edge of a growing or retreating ice shelf has been successful in providing an alternative explanation for the observed oxygen isotope trends in ice cores. We can tentatively conclude that a major portion of the slow decrease in δ O-18 with time during the early portions of the ... ice age, followed by a rapid increase in δ O-18 during the deglaciation, could be due to the slow growth and subsequent rapid melting of an ice shelf on the upwind ocean rather than slow cooling and rewarming of the ocean itself.
One indicator of rapid ice sheet build-up is that little erosion is evident on the mountains below the ice. For instance, the Gamburtsev Mountains are located below the centre of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and are about 1,200 km long, about the length of the European Alps. A recent airborne radar survey, completed in early 2009, penetrated through the ice and showed isochronal ice layers, likely caused by volcanic acids, and the basal topography beneath the ice. The remote sensing data revealed a jagged mountain landscape with sharp peaks and high relief, similar to the Alps. The relief averages 2.25 km but is up to 4 km along the edges of the mountain chain. The radar survey exposed a major problem: the mountains showed little evidence of glacial erosion….
_Chiron: Giant Comet, Agent of Catastrophe? [SIS Review]
Hahn and Bailey's simulations are even more compatible with the Cosmic Serpent/Winter hypothesis. For: "If Chiron (or some other large comet) has previously circulated in a short-period orbit, however, it may be possible to argue [references here to Clube and Napier's papers] that P/Encke and the associated bodies in the Taurid meteor stream complex were produced by ejection of material from the giant comet's outer layers. Ejection of P/Encke (or its progenitor) from Chiron during an earlier short-period phase of evolution may provide an explanation for the otherwise extreme nature of the forces that have to be invoked to explain P/Encke's present orbit."
_July Abstracts [SIS Internet Digest]
A previously named comet ("Chronos") ... was instrumental in producing the last major glaciation ~50-10 kyr BP and which subsequently experienced a significant cis-Jovian planetary encounter ~5 kyr BP, the latter reducing its orbital eccentricity whilst at the same time enhancing and broadening its meteoroidal stream. Perceived initially as a central "tree of ... life", such a system was to evolve and become the present Taurid Stream. It follows that the remnant of proto-Encke core of the Taurids is then associated with predictable "dark age" catastrophes. These last for several centuries and occur around 2000 - 2500n BC; n = 0, 1, 2....
_The Countdown to a New Celestial Hazard [Aeon]
American astronomer/geophysicist Urey was to associate short-period comets with mass extinctions and geological boundaries but a more general theory, combining both these proposals, was not obviously excluded. This led two British astronomers, Clube and Napier, to the suggestion that disintegrating large comets were mostly responsible for sustaining both the near-Earth asteroid and short-period comet populations and for controlling most aspects of terrestrial catastrophism (climate, orogeny, geomagnetic reversals, plate movements, mass extinction, biological speciation, etc). As a natural corollary of this thesis, a recent very large comet which was probably responsible for the Taurid meteoroid complex, was instanced as the most evident exemplar of the process by which the present near-Earth asteroid population was replenished and through which the Earth (and civilization) was currently experiencing catastrophism on a ten or twenty thousand year timescale. Some of the implications of this thesis have recently been explored in their book The Cosmic Winter.
_The Cosmic Winter by Victor Clube and Bill Napier [SIS Review]
{Clube & Napier wrote} The Cosmic Serpent, in which they aimed to show that a huge comet had terrified our ancestors, caused global disasters, and been largely forgotten in a general dislocation of Mediterranean history/chronology. The original super-comet gradually degraded, leaving behind such remnants as certain meteor streams (most notably the Southern, Northern and Beta Taurids), some active comets (principally Encke's comet), a number of Apollo asteroids (notably Hephaistos), and the dusty solar halo known as the Zodiacal Light. A variety of impacts in historical times (including the Tunguska event) are attributed to the same cause, all the way back to Noah's Flood.
_Forum [SIS Review]
Backtracking from the orbits of comet Encke and asteroid Oljato, Clube and Napier found that 9,500 years ago these orbits were nearly identical. They conjectured that a major disintegration at that time of one previous prime body created these two bodies and that subsequent disintegrations formed the other comets and asteroids of the Stohl stream (enveloping the Taurid meteors, comet Encke and asteroids of Oljato type). They say that around 3500-3000 BC Oljato's orbit would have lain virtually in Earth's orbital plane, making certain a series of close encounters. They propose that the stream (or at least one of its components) was the protagonist in catastrophes afflicting Earth in the past 5000 or more years.
_Independent Confirmation of a Catastrophic Event [SIS Review]
This writing could be construed to describe the fall of meteoroids, causing craters which eventually disappeared due to weathering. Iyengar has reasonably speculated in the paper that the falling objects were fragments of an asteroid. As I will discuss a little later, the writing has been dated by him to be acceptably close to my postulated 2300 BC date, so the possibility exists that they may have been Taurid cometary meteoroids. This type of meteoroid is relatively lightweight and fragile, and therefore likely to fragment or burn out in the atmosphere. However, Clube and Napier, as well as other astronomers, feel that the Taurid stream complex could also contain asteroids. The asteroids, having a rocky, stony composition, would be more likely to reach the ground and generate craters. Iyengar makes the observation that the event appeared to be described as a widespread phenomenon.
_2nd SIS Cambridge Conference Abstracts [SIS Internet Digest]
Available data from fireball and comet observations, meteorite impacts, small lunar craters and the current near-Earth environment are assembled to yield a coherent picture of the interface between the Earth and its current interplanetary environment. The Taurid Complex of meteors, meteoroids, asteroids and Comet Encke has probably been a significant and regularly visible celestial hazard from the last Ice Age through to the present day. These data lead to the expectation that history has been punctuated by: (i) Tunguska-like impacts, singly or as part of fireball swarms; (ii) freezing events of decadal duration, due to cometary dusting of the stratosphere; and (iii) occasional disastrous inundations of coastal areas due to small-body ocean impacts.
_The Bedrock of Myth [Articles]
[Alternatively, this imagery also seems compatible, in many ways, with what would be seen were Earth to acquire temporarily, and perhaps at more than one epoch, a number of nearly vertical, i.e ., highly inclined, rings of meteoritic debris from interaction with the then-youthful Taurid meteor stream, as Moe Mandelkehr has modelled and proposes in his manuscript The Answered Riddle: A Thesis on the Meaning of Myth, which is a major adjunct to the pioneering work of Clube and Napier and co-workers. The Taurid stream is the presumptive source owing to the ancient prominence of the Pleiades which is near the radiant of the Taurid stream. CLE] I propose further that between the activating intensities of solar radiation, there is an interference phenomenon which blots out the Polar Apparition.
_Commemoration Of The 2300bc Event [SIS Review]
{Moe Mandelkehr} has written two unpublished books: the first on cultural and geophysical events occurring at 2300 BC (excerpts of this book have been published by the SIS) and the second book dedicated to the thesis that all the early mythology developed from an encounter of the Earth with a massive meteoroid stream in 2300BC. Introduction. The Earth's encounter with the Taurid meteoroid stream in 2300BC was a terrifying experience, involving heavy loss of life. The overwhelming fall of meteoroids occurred at the same time as intense flooding which people were helpless to resist. It was commemorated by people all over the Earth for thousands of years and is even commemorated today, though the meaning has dimmed with time.
The YD event may have occurred anywhere from c. 2,300 BC to c. 2,600 BC.
A giant broken-up comet
● caused airbursts or craters across Northern Hemisphere
● melted parts of huge northern ice sheets covering Canada and Europe
● deposited melted material in the Younger Dryas boundary (YDB) layer
● halted circulation of massive amounts of ocean water in North Atlantic
● contributed to the extinction of millions of large animals (megafauna)
● caused a major decline in human population levels of approx. 50%
● triggered {decades}-long climatic cooling, called the Younger Dryas
CRATER FORMATION. Charles explained craters formed by impacts here and here.
The [YD Impact] team says the agent of destruction was probably a comet, since the key sediment layer lacks both the high nickel and iridium levels characteristic of asteroid impacts. ... Levels of the apparent extraterrestrial debris ... are highest at the Gainey archaeological site in Michigan, just beyond the southern reach of North America’s primary ice sheet ... years ago. Moreover, levels decrease the further you go from Gainey, suggesting that the comet blew up largely over Canada....
_{The} proposal for their comet was that it was a conglomeration of impactors including one that might have been as much as 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) in diameter. Furthermore, that 4-kilometer object would itself have been just one among multiple fragments resulting from the earlier disintegration — while still in orbit — of a giant comet up to 100 kilometers or more in diameter.
_The authors envisaged: a devastating, high-temperature shock wave with extreme overpressure, followed by underpressure, resulting in intense winds traveling across North America at hundreds of kilometers an hour, accompanied by powerful, impact-generated vortices. In addition, whether single or multiple objects collided with the earth, a hot fireball would have immersed the region near the impacts ... At greater distances the re-entry of high-speed, superheated ejecta would have induced extreme wildfires which would have decimated forests and grasslands, destroying the food supplies of herbivores and producing charcoal, soot, toxic fumes and ash.
Red dots show Fossil locations. Black dots show Black Mat locations. Secondary ice boulder impacts in the South obliterated animals, leaving few fossils. See video:
{Al Binni crater in southern Iraq} might possibly be linked with an ~2350 BCE “ash” layer found at Tell Leilan (Syria) and in sea sediment core off Oman, re-interpreted by Marie-Agnes Courty to be an impact fallout layer.
NORTH SEA. (Y.D. Methane Craters)
Craters and Airbursts
• Most asteroids and comet{} fragments explode in the air as fireballs or airbursts; only the largest ones make craters.
• Evidence indicates that the YDB impact into the Canadian ice sheet made ice-walled craters that melted away long ago.
• The YDB impact also possibly created rocky craters, most likely along the edge of the ice sheet in Canada or underwater in the oceans.
Potential YDB impact crater in SE Canada: Corossol crater; 4 km wide
Potential YDB impact crater under Lake Ontario: Charity Shoal crater is about 1 km wide
(The ice pack above is part of the Greenland ice sheet.)
• Not all “black mats” are black; some are light gray
• Not all formed by impact; non-impact ones formed by natural processes … at different times, usually at the end of the Ice Age …
• However, black mats were more widespread {then}
• Even so, they are not present at about 25% of all YDB sites found
• Of the two types of black mats found, the first is enriched in charcoal and soot that formed in wildfires.
• The second type of black mat contains high quantities of carbon from decayed algae and other plants that likely were killed by abrupt environmental and climatic changes triggered by the YD impact
• In … black mats, impacts markers, such as spherules, meltglass, and nanodiamonds are found in and/or just below the mat
Above. A comet hit the Indian Ocean near Madagascar 5,000 years ago & formed Burckle Crater.
The comet split into 3 or more parts and 2 parts possibly hit the Pacific Ocean basin near Japan & Peru. The coasts around the Indian Ocean were hit with 200 meter high tsunamis (shown in pink in the image on the right). Strong winds and heavy rains lasting days or weeks destroyed much human & animal habitat worldwide. Volcanism was likely extensive, but the extent hasn’t been studied.
Left shows where the Sahara was flooded by a tsunami from the Mediterranean Sea. Right shows the location of the crater left by the impact, near Greece and Italy. The yellow arrows show the direction to where tsunami evidence has been found.
MEDITERRANEAN. The Mediterranean Sea flooded during the Y.D. event.
Megafloods occurred in North America, Europe, Russian Siberia, African Sahara and probably South America, which latter I include because the city of Tiahuanaco high up in the Bolivian Andes was supposedly first found buried under 6 feet of soil, apparently from the Y.D. Floods. The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx in Egypt were also covered in 200 feet or so of water, likely at the same time. “Shattered History” has a good video stating that most ancient monuments were initially covered in several feet of soil. I think “Ancient Architects” has a recent video suggesting that Gobekli Tepe was also buried naturally, so I would guess by the Y.D. floods. Ancient Sumeria was first found buried under several feet of soil too. See the video:
Speaking of Gobekli Tepe, this says it was connected to the Y.D. event:
__ABSTRACT: We have interpreted much of the symbolism of Göbekli Tepe in terms of astronomical events. By matching low-relief carvings on some of the pillars at Göbekli Tepe to star asterisms we find compelling evidence that the famous 'Vulture Stone' is a date stamp for 10950 BC ± 250 yrs, which corresponds closely to the proposed Younger Dryas event, estimated at 10890 BC. We also find evidence that a key function of Göbekli Tepe was to observe meteor showers and record cometary encounters. Indeed, the people of Göbekli Tepe appear to have had a special interest in the Taurid meteor stream, the same meteor stream that is proposed as responsible for the Younger-Dryas event. Is Göbekli Tepe the 'smoking gun' for the Younger-Dryas cometary encounter, and hence for coherent catastrophism?
_NOVA: You mentioned other great floods in the Pleistocene. Where else have multiple megafloods taken place?
_Baker: We had huge floods around many of the big ice sheets, such as the Laurentide, which blanketed much of arctic Canada east of the Rocky Mountains and southward to the Great Lakes. Huge megafloods were associated with its surrounding lakes, particularly Glacial Lake Agassiz, which covered much of central Canada centered around Winnipeg. That released floods both to the south through the Mississippi River system and also under the ice out through the straits that enter Hudson Bay.
_There were also massive megafloods in Asia. Some of them were associated with big ice sheets that blocked the rivers that currently flow north from Russia into the Arctic Ocean. Others were associated with mountain areas, such as the Altai Mountains, the Sayan Mountains, and some of the mountains around Lake Baikal. All of these are in southern Siberian Russia, along its borders with Kazakhstan and China and Mongolia. These mountain floods were comparable in magnitude, though perhaps not in volume, to the Missoula floods.
Sea Level was about 360 feet lower before the flooding, so much more land was habitable.
See the video: Ice Age Meltdown and Global Sea Level Rise:
You can see in the map above that a lot more land was habitable during the Ice Age, not counting parts of Canada and Europe where the ice sheet was, which isn’t shown on the map. There was much more land around Siberia, northern & western Europe, and southeast Asia. The Mediterranean Sea was also mostly empty before the Y.D. event.
“Shattered History” also has this video of structures now under water.
See also:
MAMMOTHS PARADOX. The megafloods apparently drowned most of the mammoths of Siberia and washed them into the Arctic Ocean. The PARADOX is that
Some mammoths were likely killed earlier by blizzards and dust storms during the Ice Age. Either the megafloods did not cover all of Siberia where some of the frozen mammoths were, or the megafloods occurred before these mammoths froze. Many mammoths were stranded on islands in the Arctic Ocean as sea level rose. They froze or starved to death there. Some were killed directly by impacts or impact debris.
MEGAFAUNA. The giant mammals of North America, remaining before the Y.D. impacts, were killed by secondary ice boulder impacts and by fires and megafloods shortly after.
Velikovsky published Earth in Upheaval in 1955, I think. The book is online now at
He thought ancient cataclysms occurred mostly c. 1,450 BC during a close encounter with planet Venus. I first read the book in 1969 and have followed the progress of his version of catastrophism ever since. The Venus encounter is not yet known to have contributed to cataclysms. What is more certain is that there were impacts on Earth caused by comets and/or asteroids c. 3,300 BC and c. 2,600 BC. Following are most of the section titles in Earth in Upheaval. After each title I'll comment on when the event likely took place.
The Erratic Boulders 9 {YD}} Sea and Land Changed Places 11 {TSUNAMIS OR SEA LEVEL RISE: YD}} The Caves of England 14 {YD}} The Aquatic Graveyards 16 {YD}} The Hippopotamus 25 {ICE AGE & YD}} Icebergs 27 {YD}} On the Russian Plains 34 {YD}} Ice Age in the Tropics 36 {FLOOD, NOT ICE: YD}} Greenland 38 {ICE AGE & YD}} Corals of the Polar Regions 41 {ICE AGE}} Whales in the Mountains 43 {YD}} Fissures in the Rocks 46 {YD}} The Norfolk Forest-Bed 51 {YD}} Cumberland Cavern 54 {YD}} The Asphalt Pit of La Brea 59 {YD}} Tiahuanacu in the Andes 75 {YD}} The Columbia Plateau 81 {YD}} The Sahara 86 {YD}} Arabia 88 {YD}} The Carolina Bays 91 {YD}} The Bottom of the Atlantic 92 {ICE AGE & YD}} The Floor of the Seas 95 {ICE AGE & YD}} Shifting Poles 101 {?}} The Sliding Continents 107 {GREAT FLOOD}} The Changing Orbit 111 {BEFORE GREAT FLOOD}} The Rotating Crust 113 {GREAT FLOOD}} Evaporating Oceans 119 {GREAT FLOOD}} Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Comets 134 {GREAT FLOOD & YD}} The Glacial Lake Agassiz 145 {YD}} Niagara Falls 146 {YD}} The Rhone Glacier 147 {ICE AGE & YD}} The Mississippi 149 {YD}} Tree Rings 159 {YD}} Lake Dwellings 160 {ICE AGE}} Dropped Ocean Level 164 {ICE AGE}} Crete 171 {YD}} Troy 175 {YD}} Coal 195 {GREAT FLOOD}} Fossils 201 {GREAT FLOOD}} Footprints 203 {GREAT FLOOD}} The Caverns 204 {YD}}
Women survived better after the Younger Dryas
{Zamora said:} The authors concluded that between 30% and 50% of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene big game hunters in the Americas may have been women. The active participation of women in hunting … years ago is consistent with the high ration of women to men during the Y-chromosome bottleneck and may have given rise to the veneration of Diana as goddess of the hunt in Roman mythology.
... It is more plausible that natural selection caused by the cold ambient temperature was responsible for the skewed birth ratio {of women to men: 17:1}.
I surmise that the skewed ratio of women to men could have resulted in widespread ancient Matriarchal cultures shortly after the Y.D. event.
… 4,700 years old in U.S. Southwest.
Possibly the world’s oldest living organism {is} a Bristlecone Pine tree, ... {having an} estimated age (from counting the number of its tree rings) of 4,723 years.
… 5,000 years old in Chile.
The Great Flood was likely c. 5,300 years ago, so this tree in South America and a few others in North America at least likely date from after the Great Flood. Some trees grow more or less than one ring per year, so the ring counting dating method isn’t totally accurate. I guess it could be a few centuries younger or older than estimated. The tree must have grown after the Great Flood, because it’s probably growing above sedimentary rock and there was likely no sedimentary rock before the Flood, as most was deposited by the Great Flood and some by the Younger Dryas floods. The Younger Dryas event did not destroy as much of the biosphere as did the Great Flood. So this may be a tree that survived the Younger Dryas event, or started growing soon after that event.