_3300 BC Great Flood
3300 to 2600 BC Golden Age & Ice Age
_2600 BC Younger Dryas Impacts & Glacial Meltwater Floods
2600 to 2300 BC Jupiter Age
_2300 BC Burckle Asteroid Impacts & Floods
2300 to 1700 BC Early Bronze Age & Pyramid Age
_1700 BC Sodom & Gomorrah Airburst {David Rohl said 1830 BC}
1700 to 1446 BC Middle Bronze Age
_1446 BC Exodus
1446 to 1200 BC Late Bronze Age
_1200 BC Near East Conflagration
1200 to 0 BC Iron Age
Since the Great Flood and later cataclysms appear to have been caused by natural celestial events, it shouldn’t be hard to imagine that other cataclysms recorded in the Bible and other sources were also caused by natural celestial events as well. Saturn was close to Earth during the Golden Age. Saturn drifted to its present orbit around the time of the Younger Dryas event, probably Noah’s Flood. Jupiter had previously been behind Saturn, so when it moved away, Jupiter appeared to take its place. Then Jupiter moved away around the time of the Burckle impacts. Jupiter’s moon Io has a lot of sulfur volcanoes, so the brimstone that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah may have come from an eruption from Jupiter or its moon.
The Location of Sodom and Gomorrah: Ron Wyatt’s Discoveries youtube.com/watch?v=7nFq6PCmj24
Above is the modern town of Masada, Israel. Below and in front of it is apparently the remains of the ancient city of Gomorrah, which is largely ash and limestone. The lower angular formations appear to be possible ancient building remains.
Above is a Google satellite view with Masada (by Gomorrah) marked by the red circle just above it. The Dead Sea is just east of it. The Sea of Galilee, where Jesus hung out, is north between the Dead Sea and Beirut, Lebanon.
And here is a closer view of Masada by the Dead Sea.
Above are ash & limestone formations near Jericho just northwest of the Dead Sea. So it looks like the whole area west of the Dead Sea was covered by hot ash from a meteoric airburst or impact at the time of Abraham and Lot.
This is probably Gomorrah. Toward the left are structures that appear to be manmade with right angles.
The author says these also look like manmade structures, although it’s not obvious to me. Those look like natural layers of rock. I don’t know if the builders of the cities would have carved their buildings out of existing rock formations. The city of Petra, Jordan was carved out of mountainsides about 50 miles south of there, but seemingly at a much later date.
The structures above again appear to be possibly manmade, such as towers, a zigurrat and temples etc.
Here on the top left is a ball of sulfur in the rock face that had been greatly heated, leaving a hardened shell with soft sulfur beneath. Brimstone was the same as sulfur. On the top right is a melted substance that likely bubbled. Bottom left is another ball of sulfur. Bottom right is one that’s broken open. This sulfur is said to be one of a kind, 95% pure monoclinic sulfur.
Above appear to be ancient windows in walls at Gomorrah, again similar to Petra.
This is said to be a possible ancient sphinx at Gomorrah. It’s a few feet taller than an average man.
These are panoramic views of probably Gomorrah.
And these are closer views of Gomorrah toward Masada in the background.
I read about Ron Wyatt's discoveries about 20 years ago. Jonathan Gray also talked about them and made a couple of videos about them.
One should watch the videos produced about the Tell el- Hammam - well worth consideration.