Cardona thought the Saturn Nova occurred at the Heliopause, at the edge of the solar system, but I don’t know of evidence of electric currents there. But the heliospheric current sheet {HCS} extends from the Sun’s equatorial plane to around the present orbit of Saturn, so I think that could have triggered the nova. It’s probably not known if the HCS extended farther out into the solar system in ancient times, but my guess is that the Saturn Nova occurred when Saturn encountered the HCS.
I just found out that about 1% of the HCS does reach the heliosheath or heliopause, so maybe Cardona was right anyway. See my discussion at
The following are excerpts from Dwardu Cardona’s book, Flare Star.
_p. 149. The brown dwarf designated 2MASS 0415-0935 "weigh{s} so little that it falls in the range of what astronomers would usually call a giant planet."7 Nor is this the only brown dwarf with such featherweight mass. ... Alan Boss suggested the term "sub-brown dwarfs" to distinguish them from their more massive siblings. "Give a billion years of cooling and evolution," Glen Schneider opined, "and these objects may be indistinguishable from planets."9 As Maria Zapatero-Osorio stated: "With time, they will look like Jupiter and Saturn."10 Our own position is that Saturn had once been such a sub-brown dwarf star carrying Earth {etc.} with it in axial tandem as its satellite.
_p. 261. One indication that the proto-Saturnian system had been traveling poleward is evidenced, although not proven, by the present angle of Saturn and Earth's rotational axes. Saturn's axis is presently tilted at 26.7° to the Solar System's plane of the ecliptic. That of Earth is a close 23.45°. This seems to be an indication of proto-Saturn and Earth's former axial sharing. It is therefore here assumed that the proto-Saturnian system would have approached the Solar one at close to one of these angles. ... As the proto-Saturnian system crept ever closer, there came a time when the Sun's attractive influence heightened its exertion on the intruder's directional vector. This would then have increased the proto-Saturnian system's velocity toward the Sun. Had the proto-Satumian system been headed directly toward the Sun, none of us would be here to debate the issue since proto-Saturn, with Earth in its tow, would eventually have collided with the Sun to be swallowed within its furnace. Since this did not transpire, it becomes obvious that proto-Saturn's vector was not aimed directly toward the Sun. In fact, because of the relatively long time it must have taken for proto-Saturn to settle within the Sun's dominion, we are forced to conclude that the line of approach was toward the periphery of the Sun's heliosphere.
_p. 287. On first contact between the two plasmaspheres {of proto-Saturn and the Sun}, the Sun would have discharged toward proto-Saturn, much as Scott adduced. This sudden jolt would have transferred additional charge to the proto-Saturnian orb which would have passed on a portion of it to its jet-like columnar plasma extension. The plasma column would then have been pinched and sent through a series of instabilities. At the same time, proto-Saturn's plasmasphere would have brushed off the Sun's heliopause and possibly induced to change its direction.
_p. 288. {E}nough evidence exists, especially through the broadening of their spectral lines, indicating that novae and supernovae are directly associated with electric discharges.4 What is of importance is that evidence now suggests that "jets are able to funnel vast quantities of energy ... enough energy to trigger the supernova explosion," and that "the observations of 1987 A consistently support the new jet-induced explosion models."5 Personally, I am not advocating that proto-Saturn flared up due to a similar "bipolar, jet-like explosion," but only that the excess energy of the jet-like columnar axis might have added to proto-Saturn's over-charge from where it had derived it in the first place. ... {E}ven if jets eliminate themselves in stellar explosions, they tend to form again, as we here posit to have transpired with the proto-Saturnian system.
_p. 289. Whether it was the primary cause or not, the retraction of the plasma column would have overburdened the proto-Saturnian orb beyond its holding capacity and, as first proposed by Immanuel Velikovsky,9 proto-Saturn would have suddenly flared up in a brilliant light which flooded Earth with radiance and temporarily blinded its inhabitants. It was an event that went down in the mytho-historical record as Day One. The act of Creation had just begun.
_p. 290. The sudden flare-up of the proto-Saturnian sun would have left an indelible mark on the human psyche and it therefore should have etched itself in the mytho-historical records of all nations. Our thesis demands it. As we shall see, the repercussion this event had on the later religions of the world right down to our present day, as also on present astrophysical theories, is not inconsequential. The most notable mythic evidence for the event in question as far as the Western World is concerned comes from that great Judaic-Christian source, the Book of Genesis. It is amazing that Immanuel Velikovsky, who was first to recognize the flaring up of proto-Saturn, did not realize this fundamental fact. As is well known, the very beginning of this tract deals directly with Creation. And the very first thing that was said to have been created was light. "And Elohim said, let there be light. And there was light. And Elohim saw the light, that it was good. And Elohim divided the light from the darkness."1 Ever since the above words came to the attention of the Western World, Christian theologians have been grappling with the apparent contradiction they invoke. This is because, according to the same Genesis, the Sun, the Moon, and the stars, which one would have believed to have shed the light in question, were actually said to have been created later. Nor must it be thought that this apparent incongruity only appears in Genesis. As George Rawlinson realized late in the nineteenth century, the same incongruity is also contained in the Babylonian version of the Creation.
_p. 292. {W}e encounter the same situation in the Creation myth of the Maya on the opposite side of the world. "In [the day known as] Six Cib," the Chilam Balam naively recounts, "the first candle was made, and thus it was that light was created where there had been neither sun nor moon."3 The Jews, however, seem never to have been bothered much with this conundrum. Louis Ginzberg informs us that they have always held the light of Genesis to have been entirely different and distinct from the light shed by the common heavenly bodies. "The light created at the very beginning is not the same as the light emitted by the sun, the moon, and the stars, which appeared only on the fourth day [of Creation]. The light of the first day was of a sort that would have enabled man to see the world at a glance from one end to the other."4 All of which perhaps explains why, in the Book of Psalms, Elohim is lauded as having "prepared the light and the sun"5 as if they were two distinct entities.
_p. 293. Lemaitre obviously familiarized himself with the Creation myths of other nations, especially those which emphasized the formation of a cosmic egg out of which all of creation is said to have tumbled. The myth of the cosmic egg was believed in by a wide section of the ancient world including the Egyptians,3 the Phoenicians,4 the ... Hindus,1 the Chinese,2 the Japanese,3 the Pelesgians,4 the later Greeks, the Tahitians,6 the Fijians,7 and the indigenes of the Society Islands.8 Moreover, in the Hindu tradition, as contained in the Laws of Manu, this cosmic egg is described as having been "as brilliant as the sun,"9 while, in a different version, the egg is associated with a celestial lotus which was said to have been as " bright as a thousand suns."10
_p. 298. {W}e do claim that the opening verses of Genesis are nothing more than "the product of human memory" that he finds so difficult to accept. As David Talbott noted from the very beginning of his research on matters Saturnian: "The curious thing about the archaic creation legends is this: In the early religious texts - for example those of Egypt and Mesopotamia - creation is described almost as if it were an event actually experienced by ancient man. Saturn and his acts of creation are depicted as cosmic events seen and heard."1 ... Our own research, however, has led us to believe that in Saturn's flare-up we finally hold in our hands the solution to the ancient teaser posed by the shedding of the light in Genesis. The connection with Saturn is manifest in Elohim's association with the light in question. It was, after all, Elohim/Saturn who was said to have created the light.
_p. 304. Had we not come across the Egyptian version of the shedding of the light by the celestial watery abyss, which is comparable to the emission of light by the Phoenician Mot, there would have been no way in which we could have utilized Philo's "illuminated air" as evidence of proto-Saturn's flare-up. Coupled with what we have already unraveled, and will continue to unravel, this Phoenician tidbit gains meaning. Proto-Saturn's flare-up, occurring as it did when the orb was seen floating over the primordial celestial waters, would have been seen to set both that sea and the sky itself on fire.
_p. 333. That brown dwarfs have a tendency to brighten has been known since 1977 when the dark partner of the white dwarf known as AM Herculis suddenly flared.2 as early as 1999, it had been discovered that brown dwarfs also emit strong X-rays. This came to light through the shedding of such rays by the brown dwarf known as LP 944-20 in the constellation Fornax. "After nine hours of seeing nothing special," Maia Weinstock reported, "a bright flare of X-rays taunted {p. 334} the scientists, appearing briefly as an intense flash before fading out over the following two hours." Again, astronomers were "shocked" because one of the last things they had expected from such lightweight objects was the shedding of X-rays. Radio flares were also detected being emitted from the same brown dwarf star. These radio emissions "spiked up to 10,000 times stronger than what astronomers thought possible, indicating an intense flare of energy that may be similar to flares on the Sun."2 ... As noted, these sudden discharges have been said to be similar to solar flares rather than actual nova-like outbursts. But with radio flares 10,000 times stronger than X-ray emissions would otherwise indicate from an object the mass of which is only 6 percent that of the Sun,7 one begins to wonder.
_p. 337. That brown dwarfs are more likely to flare up when closing in on a Sun-like star has also been theorized by others. Brown dwarfs are already known to be more active when in the company of a parent star. As surmised by Andy Lloyd, a brown dwarf could be "re-lit" by its close approach to the Sun. And that, precisely, is what we posit to have befallen proto-Saturn as it entered the Sun's domain of influence.
_p. 338. In our case, with proto-Saturn approaching the Solar system from below, the chances of close contact with whatever planets might have already been dependent on the Sun becomes even less likely. Fair enough, violent planetary interaction is more than mildly intimated in ancient texts, but none of these cosmic catastrophes are anywhere placed in relation to proto-Saturn' s flare-up or the ensuing series of events which went down in myth as the Creation. It is thus evident that whatever convulsion was experienced by proto-Saturn in its flare-up, it was not shared by those planets which were already in the Sun's retinue. ... The "present state of Saturn" includes the cloud of electrified gas or plasma which Voyager 2 discovered circling the planet. Scientists actually "expected things to get very cold for Voyager 2 as it sailed toward Saturn, nearly a billion miles from the Sun."5 Instead, they found this doughnut-shaped cloud, the temperature of which has been estimated to range "from 60 million degrees Fahrenheit to more than 1,000 million degrees...."
_p. 339. Under the scheme presented in this work, it almost goes without saying that proto-Saturn's postulated flare-up accords quite well with the existence of this plasmatic cloud as well as its high temperature. ... Today I can be a little more explicit by claiming that proto-Saturn's flare-up brought the Paleolithic age to an abrupt end.
{NOTE: I tentatively date the Saturn Nova to the time of the Great Flood, c. 3,300 BC, or possibly to the time of the Younger Dryas impacts, c. 2,600 BC.}
_p. 340. {T}he radiocarbon {dating} method depends on the assumption that the atmospheric content of Carbon-14 has been constant throughout Earth's history. But, as various authorities have demonstrated, nearby supernovae tend to increase the carbon-14 content in our atmosphere. 4 This, alone, is enough to throw the entire radiocarbon method of dating out of kilter. I could end my argument there, but consider also this: If "nearby" supernovae, by which astrophysicists mean anything up to 500 pc,5 can upset the Carbon-14 content in our atmosphere, how much more would the much closer proto-Saturnian flare-up have disrupted Earth's atmospheric Carbon-14 production?
_p. 341. The best that can be extracted from the above, give or take a little, and in keeping with a round figure, is that the end of the Ice Age and the end of the Paleolithic age coincided somewhere around 10,000 B.C. And, since the Neanderthals did not make it into the following Neolithic age, it can be safely stated that they succumbed at around the same time. Would it, therefore, be unreasonable to claim a single cause for all three terminations?
_p. 342. Velikovsky himself would not commit to an exact date, giving instead a somewhat wide range, but leaning heavily toward our benchmark. "I am not in a position to point to the century or even millennium when the Universal Deluge took place," he wrote, "but it must have happened between five and ten thousand years ago, probably closer to the second figure."1 As already noted, to Velikovsky, although not to us, the "Universal Deluge" followed seven days after proto-Saturn's flare-up, so that his date is also applicable to his Saturnian nova.
_p. 345. While the entry of the proto-Saturnian assemblage into the Solar System seems to have left whatever planets were already in the Sun's domain unscathed, the cosmic disaster caused by proto-Saturn's flare-up was not without its repercussions on Earth and its inhabitants. The flare itself was glorious and proto-Saturn continued to be remembered as a god of light. Man was never to forget the glory but he did not much wish to remember that the destruction which followed owed its cause to the manifestation of what had by now become his god. The Hebrews remembered Elohim but, in later times, they disassociated the planet from the god. The planet Saturn itself they named Kewan and on it, rather than on its god, they blamed the tribulations it brought to man. For that reason, they described the planet as "the star of evil which brings misfortune to Israel."1
_p. 369. {R}eversed magnetized rocks are up to a thousand times more strongly magnetized than Earth's present field would allow. "This is one of the most astonishing problems of paleomagnetism," H. Manley reported, "and [one that] is not yet fully explained, although the facts are well attested."3 This boost, we here venture to say, would have also been the result of the discharge from the Sun. Following that, the field would have commenced on its decay in its attempt to adjust to the Sun's own field of influence.
_p. 371. As already noted, it was precisely at this time, following its flare-up, that proto-Saturn began to shine as a true sun. What is also of importance to our present topic is the statement that, unfortunately, this new sun gave "no respite from the burning heat."3
_As is now known, dwarf stars, like any other stars, cool down with age. Added to that, red dwarfs often display spots which are "far larger than those seen on the Sun." These "star-spots," as Ken Croswell alludes to them, "can cause the star to dim by up to 40 per cent for several months at a time." But also: "At other times, red dwarfs brighten dramatically, spewing large flares that can more than double the star's brightness in a matter of minutes."8
_p. 372. Although we have posited proto-Saturn to have been a sub-brown, rather than a red, dwarf star, this is precisely what would have transpired to proto-Saturn during its flare-up. No longer the dim red orb it had formerly been, it had now become incandescent, continuing to radiate both light and heat for a long time afterwards.
_p. 373. By 1981, however, not only solar flares, but also sunspot variations were shown to affect Earth's axial rotation.9
_p. 374. {A}n electric charge placed on a rotating flywheel will increase its polar moment of inertia. A similar, but more powerful, charge placed on Earth would therefore also increase its polar moment of inertia. But, because of the conservation of angular momentum, this increase has to be accompanied by a decrease in the angular velocity of rotation.2
_p. 375. If, now, under current conditions, Earth's rotation can be slowed down by a standard solar flare, the charge dispatched by the Sun toward proto-Saturn should have slowed it even more-much more than the 10-millisecond-amount detected by Plagemann and Gribbin in 1972. We remind the reader of Friedman's words that "such a storm amounts to no more than a tiny ripple in the usual steady flow of solar energy." Needless to say, that primeval solar discharge which resulted in proto-Saturn's flare-up was much more tremendous-in fact, colossal.
_p. 376. What must also be stressed, however, is that we are not here advocating a rotational stasis. Earth did not stop rotating due to proto-Saturn's flare-up. It only slowed down-and probably by much less than half its former speed. Harm and damage would have been much less. The oceans, however, would have inundated western shores, while retreating from eastern ones, with a general flow toward both poles.5
_p. 391. If such heavy rains fell during the Ice Age, even more torrential ones would have precipitated once Earth's atmosphere heated due to proto-Saturn's Sun-induced flare-up. And this, in fact, was told by Philo as having occurred right after the flare-up which he described as the air bursting into light: "And when the air burst into light, both the sea and the land became heated, and thence arose winds and clouds, and very great downpours and floods of the waters of heaven."2 ... If such heavy rains fell during the Ice Age, even more torrential ones would have precipitated once Earth's atmosphere heated due to proto-Saturn's Sun-induced flare-up. And this, in fact, was told by Philo as having occurred right after the flare-up which he described as the air bursting into light: "And when the air burst into light, both the sea and the land became heated, and thence arose winds and clouds, and very great downpours and floods of the waters of heaven."2
_p. 419. Since Creation is related to have commenced with the shedding of light, understood here as proto-Saturn's flare-up, it becomes understandable that the raising of the mountains, which followed the shedding of the light, would be included in the tales of Creation.
_p. 429. {T}he blasts from supernovae are believed to form great clouds of gas and dust.5 So, also, must have the blast from proto-Saturn's explosive flare-up. And, to be sure, our stratosphere is still impregnated by interplanetary dust particles the nuclear tracks of which have been identified in collected specimens. The presence of these tracks "unambiguously confirms the extraterrestrial nature" of these particles and the high track densities have suggested "an exposure age of approximately 10^4 years within the inner solar system."6
_p. 433. {T}he micro-diamonds found embedded in Pleistocene glacial drift could have come from one or another of the above-discussed sources and, perhaps, even from a combination of two or more of them. As explained, these sources would have been: (1) interstellar diamond dust; (2) volcanic spewing; and (3) perhaps even through the metamorphic processes of proto-Saturn's flare-up itself. The micro-diamonds would have landed on both the ice and the much more porous drift. The ice, as we know, melted, taking the micro-diamonds with it to the sea. The micro-diamonds in the drift remained behind. It is even possible that some of the micro-diamond-bearing meteorites would have fallen to Earth at the end of the Pleistocene, bringing with them not only diamonds, but also a fair share of iridium.
_p. 434. Again, I hate to jump ahead chronologically, but, as I will indicate in a future volume, when the axis mundi, which we have seen being retracted, reconstituted itself not long after proto-Saturn 's flare -up, it was inter alia visualized as an upright snake holding the Saturnian orb in its gaping jaws. It was in this manner that the cosmic snake or dragon was said to have guarded the jewel of the sky which Eliade has interpreted as an emblem of immortality. So, also, it was believed that one of the eyes of the "undying serpent" was actually a diamond.4 A curious passage in Plato 's Republic goes as far as stating that the axis mundi, described there as " the spindle of Necessity," was made of " adamant,"5 from which the word "diamond" is ultimately derived. Once proto-Saturn and/or its axis was visualized as a radiant jewel, terrestrial gem stones were regarded as its emissions. Thus, as Eliade tells us: "In many places, precious stones were thought to be fallen from the heads of snakes or dragons."6
_p. 438. {A}ny fall of meteorites during the thawing of the glaciers would probably have been blamed by our ancient ancestors on proto-Saturn' s flare-up. Thus we note that, in west Africa, there are "traditions which hold meteors and meteorites to be a kind of solar excrement."1 The probability, here, is that the belief originally pertained to the proto-Saturnian sun in lieu of our present one. -The possibility also exists that proto-Saturn's circumstellar disk might have already contained some sizable chunks of debris from some previous catastrophic event. If so, most of these would have been released to fall back on proto-Saturn and/or Earth once the disk was blown away when proto-Saturn flared up. If that transpired, it is also possible that some of these objects would have been left behind once the disk dissipated. Mainstream astronomy has already toyed with the idea that the Kuiper Belt objects are "the stuff that was left over at the rim of the solar system after the planets formed tailings from one of nature's construction projects."5 Could they not instead be tailings from one of nature's destructive episodes?
_p. 474. In any case, as is now known, biological cells do respond to electromagnetic fields. Moreover, cells can "rewrite" their own gene program in order to overcome stressful conditions. Such DNA alterations are actually mutations.1 To say that proto-Saturn 's flare-up inaugurated a "stressful condition" would be an understatement. ... Increased radiation, X-rays, ultra-violet ray emissions, thermal agitation, plasmaspheric disruption, electromagnetic disturbance-all these, among others, were the consequences of proto-Saturn 's flare-up. On their own, every single one of them is capable of causing mutations in living organisms. Acting in concert, they would have increased the possibility of such mutations.1
_p. 477. "So when the earth, all muddied by the recent flood, grew warm again, under the kindly radiance of the sun in heaven [Ovid tells us in this snippet], she brought forth countless forms of life. In some cases she reproduced shapes which had been previously known, others were new and strange."2
_Thus, in our own scenario, "the kindly radiance of the sun in heaven" that Ovid mentions would have been the radiance of the proto-Saturnian sun.
_p. 480. {From a} fragment of the work of Berossus: "Men appeared with two wings, some with four and with two faces. They had one body but two heads; the one of a man, the other of a woman. They were likewise in their several organs both male and female. Other human figures were to be seen with the legs and horns of goats. Some had horses' feet; others had the limbs of a horse behind, but before were fashioned like men ... men too and other animals, with the heads and bodies of horses and the tails of fishes."4
_p. 481. Berossus might have been influenced by the depiction of mythological creatures he would have seen in Babylon.... Daily Telegraph ... claimed that quite a few infants born within a large radius of the previously mentioned Chernobyl disaster have been prone to birth defects including short winglike arms and/or a lower extremity which has been compared to a fish tail.2 We note here two of the characteristics described by Berossus - men with two wings and others with "the tails of fishes." Additionally, men or women with "one body but two heads" are now known as Siamese twins. The curse of the club foot is also known and these would have been easily compared to goats' and horses' feet. ... Less dramatic was the Jewish historian Josephus who spoke of nature "which, at certain revolutions of time, produces such mutations in the bodies of men, in the earth, in plants, and in all things that grow out of the earth."3
_p. 482. As in the animal kingdom, it therefore becomes obvious that most of the mutated human individuals who survived proto-Saturn's flare-up failed to pass their mutated genes to their offspring so that, in a very short time, they would have disappeared completely.
_p. 486. {I}n our own scenario, it is just as probable that the {Storegga} slide - and various others around the world which have not yet been recognized-were caused by the temporary slowing down of Earth's rotation due to proto-Saturn's flare-up. Such sea bottom cracks and pockmarks have also been discovered at the edge of the continental shelf near Cape Hatteras. In fact, pockmarks "are turning out to be extremely common, especially in the Arctic" and Mienert "has seen fields of them in the Barents Sea."3 That these pockmarks could not be extremely old is evidenced by the fact that they have not yet been filled by sediment washing down to the sea from inland rivers. Thus, as Kunzig rightly surmises, these pockmarks "date from the last ice age."
_{T}he escape of oceanic bacterial methane ... would, if nothing else, have added to the sudden steep incline in temperature. ... {T}he heat wave that followed on the heels of proto-Saturn's flare-up ... continued to produce enough heat to raise temperatures world-wide, {p. 487} resulting in an entirely changed climatic regime which continued for thousands of years. As we have already seen, the memory of this heat wave was actually preserved, even if only by a few of our ancient forebears. But is there evidence of this change? In our own scenario, proto-Saturn's flare-up would have released a certain amount of its internal heat, which heat would have radiated onto Earth, in addition to the heat released through the friction of the sliding plates brought about by the temporary braking of our globe, {p. 488} to say nothing of that expelled through world-wide volcanic vents. It is this combined heat - yes, even including burping methane - that was mainly responsible for the melting of the Pleistocene glaciers.
_p. 489. From a chronological perspective, the point we have reached in our own scenario is still far from the advent of agriculture, to say nothing of civilization, the birth of writing, and all that these human novelties entailed. For the present, we will simply hold on to the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age and the balmy weather which followed, if not immediately, at least soon after. This new climatic regime that proto-Saturn's flare-up ushered in was in later times nostalgically remembered, among other things, as Heaven on Earth. But of that, more in a future volume.