Before the Great Flood, there was only one supercontinent, Pangaea, and maybe an island which later combined with part of Pangaea to form Antarctica. And there was only one Ocean, the Pacific. Late during the Great Flood, Pangaea broke up. The Americas broke off of the western side, which opened up the Atlantic Ocean. Asia, India, Australia and Antarctica broke off of the eastern side of Pangaea, opening up the Indian Ocean. Eurasia and North America moved northward, leaving a gap around the North Pole, which was named the Arctic Ocean. Mike Fischer showed that the continents moved away from Pangaea rapidly, due to the asteroid impact. He calculated that it took a mere 26 hours for the Americas to reach their present location. The magnetic stripes formed on the ocean floors as they moved apart. There are magnetic stripes on the Pacific Ocean floor too. Mike said those stripes are older and apparently were made when Pangaea first formed from a huge asteroid, which slid over the crust, similar to the way the continents slid during the Great Flood.
Where did the salt in the oceans come from? There's been Catastrophist speculation that it came from a Saturn nova and Creationist speculation that it came from volcanic eruptions. I'll try to find the available info on that and try to determine which is correct. Both may be correct. Actually, this has a lower priority for me.
There may have been much more carbon dioxide in the air before the Great Flood, which made lush vegetation, which formed a lot of the coal during the Great Flood. The atmosphere was likely much thicker before the big Floods, which likely improved health and longevity. High pressure oxygen speeds up healing and ozone kills cancer etc. A Japanese experiment showed that high air pressure makes plants grow much bigger.
Dreadnoughtus schrani is a newly discovered species of dinosaur and the biggest titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur found so far. It is the largest land animal who’s body mass can be accurately calculated. So how does that compare to the largest animal alive today, the blue whale? {See above.}
Earth's gravity may have been weaker before the Great Flood, which allowed some dinosaurs to grow extremely large. Electric Universe theorists claim that the electrical environment around planets can weaken or strengthen gravity. Ted Holden calculated that large dinosaurs would be unable to walk or move in today's gravity. He also claimed that pterodactyls would be too heavy to fly in today's atmosphere and their leg bones would be too thin to support them on the ground. Their weight would break their legs.
Online I find mainly just four or five kinds of ancient giant bugs: dragonflies, millipedes, centipedes, spiders & scorpions. The mainstream thinks they lived before dinosaurs way long ago, but in reality they were just buried earlier during the Great Flood than most dinosaurs were, so they’re found in the lower rock strata. Greater air pressure with high oxygen content may be what allowed them to become so gigantic. Weaker gravity may have helped too.
There were giant insects before the Great Flood. There were giant mammals etc after the Great Flood, but before the Younger Dryas impacts. Cardona said in his book, Metamorphic Star, that the Bible says "man's stature was shortened" in the time of Enosh. Enosh was the third patriarch after Adam and Seth. This suggests that these patriarchs lived after the Great Flood. Noah was the tenth patriarch and I think Noah's Flood occurred during the Younger Dryas cataclysms about 700 years after the Great Flood. I think that, because in the Thoth article, "Saturnists Play Marbles", Cardona said the raven and the dove that Noah let out of the ark to help find dry land were symbolic of the planets Mars and Venus, while I presume Noah symbolized Saturn. It’s possible that these patriarchs were all mythical, or they could have been real people & myths too. Adam & Eve may represent Mars & Venus, while God represents Saturn. The snake may be cometary Venus. If the patriarchs were real people too, some of them may have been giants like other giant mammals.