Originally, Earth was part of the Saturn Train, which included Saturn, Venus, Mars, Earth, possibly Jupiter in front, plus moons. Following is an illustration to show the Train’s progress from the Outer to Inner Solar System. Cardona thought the Train came from the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. But Charles Chandler figured that stars (and planets?) form by implosion of interstellar plasma filaments, so the Sun may have been part of the same filament, and the Saturn Train may have been moving toward the Sun as the planets were forming in the imploding filament.
OUTSIDERS. In this illustration, the Saturn Train is shown at the upper right starting in the Kuiper Belt, which ends at the orbit of Pluto. Only Red Saturn & Black Earth are shown. Venus & Mars were between them and Jupiter may have been in the lead, but was obscured by Saturn. (I think the image will enlarge by clicking on it.)
SATURN NOVA. The Yellow Dot at upper right indicates Saturn’s Nova Flare-up, which possibly occurred in the Kuiper Belt. Cardona thought flare-ups occurred at the Heliopause (the outer edge of the solar system), but Chandler didn’t see evidence that the Heliopause contains anything that would trigger a flare-up. I previously thought the Sun’s current sheet might have triggered a flare-up, but it only reaches to about the present orbit of Saturn, which is unlikely to be distant enough to allow for it to have occurred just before the Great Flood, 3300 BC. The current sheet may have reached further at that time to trigger the flare-up, but there’s not enough info on that as yet.
GOLDEN AGE. The Golden Age started c. 3300 BC as the Saturn Train moved Left after the Flare-up. The Saturn Train spiraled inward toward the Sun for about 700 years, until c. 2600 BC.
SATURN-JUPITER CLASH. When the Train reached just inside Green Jupiter’s present orbit, Saturn was pushed out, possibly by Jupiter, due to Jupiter being repelled by the Sun. Cardona said this occurred at the present Asteroid Belt. The asteroids may have formed from the disruption of a minor planet, when Jupiter and Saturn clashed.
WARMTH. Earth had previously been warmed by Saturn & possibly Jupiter. Saturn was replaced by Jupiter c. 2600 BC. Jupiter must have then escorted the Train at least until Earth reached its present orbit; otherwise, Earth might not have had a sufficient source of warmth after Saturn left. Talbott said Jupiter remained in the Train until it reached the present orbit of Venus. Jupiter was likely on an elliptical orbit, which circularized to its present orbit, possibly due to dust and debris in the inner solar system, produced by the clash between Jupiter and Saturn at the Asteroid Belt. The Ice Age may have worsened after Saturn’s departure.
END OF THE LINE. So, after the Asteroid Belt, Saturn went outward to its present orbit, while Jupiter led the Train farther inward, with Mars being squeezed out first, then Earth losing attraction to Jupiter and finally Venus losing attraction and Jupiter then moving back out past the Asteroid Belt.
TIME OF THE BREAKUP. In writing “PUZZLE OF SATURN CONFIGURATION BREAKUP” at https://www.thunderbolts.info/forum3/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=13&start=810#p9767 a few days ago, it finally occurred to me that the dating of the Egyptian Dynasties should give clues about when the Saturn Train broke up. The First Dynasty first pharaoh, Narmer, called Menes by the ancient Greeks, may actually have been the god, Saturn. I saw an ancient depiction of Narmer wearing a crown that Talbott said symbolized Mars & Venus during an unstable phase, late in the Train ride. I also read that during that dynasty (and only that one), human and animal sacrifice were practiced in Egypt. Such sacrifice was likely inspired by their god, Saturn, Ra, Atum, Greek Kronos, devouring his own children (meteors falling into Saturn). Also, the Pyramids were first built during the 3rd Dynasty, which may have been simultaneous with the 1st Dynasty and they likely commemorated the World Mountain of the Saturn Configuration (Polar Triunity). Some Saturnists supposed that the commemorations were meant to try to bring back the Golden Age. So those signs should be a good indication of the time of the Saturn-Jupiter Train breakup.
DATING OF DYNASTIES. I found a chart on "The revised Egyptian chronology" at https://creation.com/timing-is-everything
i.e. https://dl0.creation.com/articles/p041/c04190/revised-egyptian-chronology.jpg
Author's dating v. Mainstream dating (Dates are BC and are estimated based on the chart below).
D1-2 2150-1800 v. 3130
D3-6 2100-1590 v. 2650
D11-12 1750-1410 v. 2030
D7-10 1410-1040 v. 2170
D13-17 1410-1040 v. 1700
D18-20 1040-550 v. 1560
D21-25 800-480 v. 1100
D26-30 690-350 v. 690-350
Here’s the chart.
Brigit's discussion of evidence that the Septuagint Old Testament is more accurate than the Masoretic is at
and https://www.thunderbolts.info/forum3/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=13&start=705#p7833
The Septuagint says the Great Flood occurred c. 3300 BC, while the Masoretic says it was c. 2400 BC. The Creationist author of "The revised Egyptian chronology" above was obviously deriving dates based on the Masoretic, which are way off. By following the Septuagint instead, I come up with the following dates added to the list from above.
Author's dating v. MS v. Mine - (MS=Mainstream) (Dates are BC)
D1-2 2150-1800 v. 3130 v. 2600
D3-6 2100-1590 v. 2650 v. .... (mostly same as D1-2)
D11-12 1750-1410 v. 2030 v. 2000
D7-10 1410-1040 v. 2170 v. ..... (mostly same as D13-17)
D13-17 1410-1040 v. 1700 v. 1700
D18-20 1040-550 v. 1560 v. 1560
D21-25 800-480 v. 1100 v. 1100
D26-30 690-350 v. 690-350 v. 690-350
CONCLUSION. So I conclude that the Saturn Train breakup occurred c. 2600 BC, about the time of the Younger Dryas cataclysms. The Egyptian civilization began after the cataclysm. In my forum post mentioned above, the 2nd last section is titled TRIUNES BREAKUP. There I noted that the Thoth article, SATURNISTS PLAY MARBLES, suggested that the raven and dove in the Noah's Ark story referred to Mars and Venus respectively, so Noah would have referred to Saturn or Jupiter at the time of the breakup, i.e. the end of the Flood. I think that was the Younger Dryas Flood. Since the Great Pyramid had salt encrustation, that apparently came from a Flood. That's why I previously thought it was built before the YD Flood. But if the Saturn Train broke up during that Flood, Egyptian civilization and pyramids had to come after that, so there had to be another Flood to account for the salt in the pyramid. Then I remembered "this video channel https://www.youtube.com/@OzGeographics/videos a few weeks or months ago had some videos showing that an asteroid apparently impacted in the Mediterranean Sea and flooded the Sahara Desert, which would also have flooded Egypt. So Noah's Flood was the Younger Dryas Flood and that's when the triunes broke up and Egypt was built after that. Then, a few centuries later, an asteroid hit the Indian Ocean basin and flooded its shores and another hit in the Mediterranean and flooded its shores too." Both tsunamis would likely have hit Egypt. I would guess that this last Flood occurred c. 2300 BC. So civilization would have had to rebuild anew after that and I think no more pyramids were built after that last Flood.
ah, the reference to the meteorite strike in the Mediterranean sea flooding Egypt helps allay my earlier dispute of the catastrophe timelines in your articles. the more I read about the geologic record, the more interesting your data becomes.
I retract my earlier arguments regarding Sphinx erosion and continue to enjoy your substack. thanks for gathering and sharing data.