5 videos My thoughts on various Ancient Humans & Alien theories
4 videos Truth about the Ancient "Handbags"
6 videos Global Consciousness/ Brain Waves/ Morphic Resonance
8 videos Timeline of the Previous Industrial Civilization
14 videos Ancient Megalithic Sites in Asia
10 videos About UFO/ UAP
4 videos Petra: More Ancient than Assumed
16 videos Giza Pyramids were Mining Operations of a Lost Civilization?
16 videos Myth or History?
11 videos Previous Advanced Civilization
2 videos Leshan Buddha
3 videos Sanxingdui: the Mysterious Lost Civilization
34 videos Ancient Megalithic Sites with Machine Marks Reveal Lost Civilizations?
2 videos Longyou Caves: Mystery Solved!?
2 videos Yangshan Monument Created by a Lost Ancient Civilization?
“ The Riddle of Sphinx Temple: True Purpose Uncovered?
“ “ How were the Perplexing Giza Pyramids' Granite Blocks Created?
“ “ Egyptian Pyramids: Prehistoric Mine Remnant?
“ “ Pyramids as Chemical Plants? Detailed Examination on Land of Chem’s theory
“ “ How Japanese Polygonal Megalithic Walls Differ from those in Peru
“ “ Osaka Castle Megaliths: by Lost Ancient high-tech or Human Ingenuity?
“ “ Revelations of a Massive Underground Oya Quarry in Japan!
“ “ Ancient Quarry Mount Nokogiri Excavated by Prehistoric Machines or Hand Tools?
“ “ Mysterious Knobs at Ancient Megalithic Sites – Molded or Quarried?
“ “ Gunung Padang: the Oldest Pyramid? Facts Revealed!
“ “ Did Alien Genes Create Humanity? Is Humankind a descendant of Alien Interference?
“ “ Did a Lost Ancient Civilization Return as Aliens?
“ “ Future of Gene Editing & Human Race: Impact on Space Travel & Understanding of Grey Aliens
“ “ Is Cattle Mutilation related to Stem Cell Harvesting?
“ “ Were Anunnaki mining gold from Earth? What would Alien mine?
“ “ Did Solar Storms during Pole Flips Reset Civilizations?
“ “ Did Periodic Solar Micronova Reset Prehistoric Civilizations? No.
“ “ My Two-Pronged Test on Montana Megaliths: Man-Made or Natural?
“ “ Carolina bays: What are They & What do They Reveal?
“ “ Ancient Hindu Vimanas: Flying Machines - Fact or Fiction?
“ “ Did Oppenheimer believe Ancient India experienced a Nuclear War?
“ “ Mohenjo-Daro: Proof of an Ancient Nuclear Bomb or Not?
“ “ The Real Reason behind “Flash Frozen Mammoths”
“ “ An Eye-opening Interpretation on Göbekli Tepe “Handbags” & Vulture
“ “ Göbekli Tepe & its “Handbags”: Latest Excavation Reveals a Whole New Story
“ “ Mystic “handbags” from an Ancient Civilization: What was Their Purpose?
“ “ Sumerian gods’ "Handbags", "Pinecones" and the Mesopotamian “Tree of Life
“ “ Memory Transfer via Heart Transplant – What is the cause?
“ “ Psychedelic effects of DMT Do Not Explain NDE/ Near-Death Experiences
“ “ What does Near Death Experience Reveal about Consciousness & Souls?
“ “ Collective Consciousness Brainwave Field – Insight from Schumann Resonances
“ “ Brain Waves, Akashic Record & Schumann Resonances - Clues to Global Consciousness Puzzle
“ “ Do Our Brain Waves Create a Shared Global Consciousness Morphic Field?
“ “ Underwater UAPs: How can they Travel Super-Fast Without Splashing?
“ “ UFOs/ Flying Saucers’ Unique Features Reveal their Hidden Technologies
“ “ Bob Lazar’s UFO: How were its Strange Otherworldly Movements Created?
“ “ Bob Lazar’s Flying Saucer: Anti-gravity or Electromagnetism?
“ “ Encounter between an Ancient Chinese Emperor and Extraterrestrials (UAP)
“ “ Lost Megalithic Civilization: Where to Find Their Remnants?
“ “ The Lost Civilization of Megalithic Sites: Who Built Them and When?
“ “ Did Humans Domesticate Ourselves? Declining Brain Size & Self-Domestication
“ “ Preview: Questions on Human Self Domestication
“ “ The Change of Human Brain Sizes Illuminating the Age of Megalithic Sites
“ “ Secret Buried Underneath Ancient Site Petra's Treasury
“ “ Petra’s Lower Erosion: Caused by Flood or NOT?
“ “ Petra: Incredibly Advanced Tool Marks Tell a Different Story
“ “ Petra: More Ancient than Assumed?
“ “ Ancient Chinese Stone Caves & Egyptian Quarry Share Similar Machine Marks
“ “ Questioning the Luminescence Dating Result of the Giza Pyramid
“ “ Great Sphinx: Buried Secret Exposed
“ “ Egyptian Pyramids & the Impact of a Green vs Desert Sahara
“ “ Egyptian Pyramids Reveal Acid Mine Drainage Stains?
“ “ The Secret Enigma of the Egyptian Pyramids’ Interior
“ “ The True Purpose of the Great Pyramid's Interior System?!
“ “ Prehistoric Mining: What was Mined on the Giza Plateau?
“ “ Great Pyramid: Let's Double Check the Mathematics & Star Alignment Claims
“ “ Giza Pyramids: a Lost Civilization's Mining Waste Storage Site?
“ “ Great Pyramid was Not a Power Plant but Something Totally Unexpected
“ “ The Osiris Shaft: Part of a Prehistoric Mine from a Lost Civilization?
“ “ The Underground Complex: the Giza Osiris Shaft Created by a Lost Advanced Civilization?
“ “ 20k-15k years ago – the Ending of a Previous Advanced Civilization?
“ “ 12,000-year-old Elongated Skull in China
“ “ Sanxingdui Masks & "Tree of Life" Compared with Other Ancient Cultures
“ “ Lost Civilization: The Mystery of Sanxingdui & Chinese Metallurgy
“ “ Noah’s Flood: A Backwards Flowing River per the Gilgamesh Epic?
“ “ Picturing Human Civilization Between 12,000 to 6,000 Years Ago
“ “ Was an Advanced Civilization Wiped Out by a 12,800-Year-old Comet at Younger Dryas?
“ “ Prehistory Stone Pathway with Tunnel and Stairs at the Giant Buddha
“ “ Was the Giant Buddha Repurposed From a Prehistory Site?
“ “ Ancient Man-Made Massive Underwater Cave Inside a Volcano - A Prehistoric Gold Mine?
“ “ Ancient Chinese Quarry: Proof of Prehistory Advanced Technology?!
“ “ Ancient Chinese Caves Quarried with Prehistoric Machines? Underwater Structures to be Found?
“ “ Explained: How were Peru’s #Sacsayhuaman Walls Built
“ “ Chinese Pyramids: Myth or Reality Revealed!
“ “ Israel’s Land of 1,000 Caves: evidence of a prehistoric advanced civilization
“ “ Ancient Chinese Cave Tomb Shares Similarities with Osireion in Egypt?
“ “ Was this Ancient Royal Tomb a Prehistory Megalithic Site Built by a Much Older Civilization?
“ “ Massive Chinese Cave System could be a Residential Complex for a Lost Ancient Civilization?
“ “ Enduring Mysteries of the Huashan Grottoes: Built by a Lost Ancient Civilization?
“ “ Mystery Solved on the Purpose of Longyou Caves
“ “ Longyou Caves: by a Lost Ancient Civilization with Machines?
“ “ Tool Marks on Ancient Yangshan Monument Match Modern Machine Marks
“ “ World’s Largest Monolith: Yangshan Monument Created by a Lost Ancient Civilization?