Following is a copy of a Thoth article. My comment is at the end.
The belief that "there were giants in those days" is very widespread in nature. Consider the following tradition of the Pawnee Indians:
"The first men who lived on earth were very large Indians. They were giants; very big and very strong." (George Grinnell, Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales," 1961, p. 354).
According to Pawnee tradition, this race of giants was killed by the Flood.
How are we to understand such traditions? In my opinion, the key is provided by the equally widespread tradition that in primeval times the planets used to live on earth. Here's a representative example of this theme from South America:
"In days long ago the sun and the moon and all their children lived on earth...In those days the sun and the moon and everyone were human beings and lived on this earth. Sun had a son who had sores all over his body; he was the morning star...He told his uncle to carry him on his shoulders because he could not walk; he was covered with sores and had to lie down all the time...One morning they finally arrived at his father's house...They greeted one another but then grabbed hold of one another as if to fight. Morning Star, growing larger than his father and brothers, won all the fights ... The next morning he bathed and turned into the handsomest man in the world."
Those familiar with my writings on Mars will recognize here several archetypal themes: The Morning Star as Mars; the hero with sores all over his body (Batraz); the lame hero (Samson); the hero who suddenly assumes a gargantuan form (Batraz, Maui, Indra, Cuchulainn); the ugly hero who suddenly becomes transformed into a beautiful being (Batraz, Odysseus). Each of these widespread themes has clear celestial precedents, all involving the planet Mars and its escapades in relation to the other planets participating in the polar configuration. It stands to reason that the theme of the giants likewise traces to celestial events, subsequently localized and "euhemerized", so to speak. Ev Cochrane
It is my contention that the different "giant" themes can be traced backwards, and the path will always lead you to ancient images of CELESTIAL powers. The fabled age of giants will echo all of the images linked to the age of the gods. The remote land of the giants will be a faint recollection of the land of the gods. Huge edifices claimed to have been built by giants will have their earlier counterpart in the COSMIC temples, cities and kingdoms built by the gods. Wars of the giants will be seen as diluted versions of the wars of the gods, or Clash of the Titans.
Internal consistency is one of the crucial tests of a theory, and any suggestion that the "age of giants" could refer to a period of unusually large human beings must be subject to the consistency test. It is certainly true that around the world, folk traditions associated various cultural remains with the activity of giants. They marveled at pyramids and towers and broken walls of former peoples. Popular Arabic tradition identifies "giants" as the builders of Middle Eastern megaliths. The Greeks proclaimed that a generation of giants had built the great fortifications at Tiryns and Mycenae. Scattered megaliths across Europe invited the same idea. Throughout Mesoamerica and South America it was claimed that the massive remains of earlier cultures had been constructed by giants. Similar ideas will be found in the South Pacific. Well, it is certainly true that if earlier generations were big enough, then building some of the larger monuments might have been easier. But if this explanation is entertained, should we not apply it also to those remarkably similar instances in which NATURAL features - mountains, gullies, ridges, canyons, and rivers were identified with the former activity of giants? In northern Ireland there is the famous CLOCHAN AN AIFIR, the "Giant's Causeway". It is constituted by huge hexagonal, basaltic columns, formed from the cooling of lava, and reaching as high as 200 feet or so. Native tradition claimed that these were built by a race of giants as a means of crossing the Irish Sea. In fact this kind of motif is quite common and was attached to the natural formation called the "Bridge of the Gods" on the Columbia River not all that far from here. So there was not just one natural "bridge" claimed to have been built by giants or gods. …
CATASTROPHISM.COM has lots of articles and some books on catastrophism. They cost money to buy, but it's free to do a search on the site. Searches bring up a few sentences on any search term from all sources that the term appears in. Following are some search results which show that Giants in ancient myths did mostly refer to planets and some other ancient celestial features. These are results for the search term "Giant" just from Aeon Magazine, the best source. I weeded out those where "giant" had other meanings. I added underscores below before the term "____Giant" to make it easy to spot.
6. Heracles as Cross-Dresser
Heracles is a hero to whom all sorts of bizarre traditions have attached themselves. Indeed, the Greek strongman seems to embody a wealth of contradictions. Most familiar as the invincible champion of the gods, Homer described Heracles as a malicious force oppressing Olympus. Although typically described as a ____giant - his prodigious weight is said to have all but sunk the Argo - Heracles is elsewhere represented as a dwarf. Scholars investigating such incongruous traditions have typically assumed that originally independent tales have coalesced around the popular Greek hero. In my various studies on Heracles, in contrast, I have suggested that these seemingly disparate traditions originally belonged together {because Heracles/Mars looked small when it was distant and looked gigantic when it was closer to Earth}.
21. Indra: A Case Study in Comparative Mythology
{Something did} shake and all the gods were afraid." The gods feared that Indra "was the herald of great changes in the divine order and possibly of their own doom." (13) As we will see, the gods had good reason to be alarmed. Numerous passages relate that soon after his birth Indra assumed the form of a ____giant warrior whose body spanned the heavens. "Impetuous Indra in his might exceedeth wide vast mid-air and heaven and earth together." (14) A similar passage is the following: "Indra, Impetuous One, hath waxed immensely: he with his vastness hath filled earth and heaven." (15)
{There was something} of creation, roarer, trumpeter, drummer, screecher, god who is the thunder. Externalised power, strength, "glory" of the creator. Artificer giving shape to unformed matter; ancient craftsman, artist, smith, potter, builder. Man-god, demi-god, pan man and part god; man who challenges or defies gods or ____giants; man who becomes a god. Prototype of the warrior. Prototype of the magician, shaman, sorcerer. Prototype of the musician. Prototype of the seer, prophet, oracle, poet, bard. Man or god depicted with a conical cap. God whose identity is in his conical cap.
39. On Models and Scenarios
{Observing Mars up the polar} axis, the observer would see it off center, but no matter how close to the Earth it moved, at least part of the orb would always lie inside {the face of} Saturn.) Considerations of logic and perspective are raised by numerous archetypal themes. The warrior-hero (Mars), for example, appears in countless myths in the dual role of ____giant and dwarf. In his "birth" he is tiny, but quickly grows to immense proportions. It will be seen again and again in these stories that this birth involves a descent along the polar axis. When occupying a position visually beneath the polar god and enclosure, he is a ____giant, appearing to bear the celestial sphere {on his shoulder}.
40. The Ship of Heaven
The ship was above the sun god at "night" and below during the "day." (2) The ship meant the same thing as the two peaks of the world mountain, the horns of the bull of heaven, the outstretched wings of the mother goddess and the outstretched arms of the heaven-sustaining ____giant. As I will seek to show, each of these predictions is confirmed in the most explicit way, removing any doubt as to the ability of the model to account for the most common features of the ship. Moreover, as we begin to address these specific features, it will become increasingly clear that, by interpreting each attribute {the myths make sense}.
55. Martian Meteorites in Ancient Myth and Modern Science
{There were meteorites,} some following the orbit of Mars, some other paths. These swarms of meteorites with their gaseous appendages were newborn comets; flying in bands and taking various shapes, they made an uncanny impression. Those which followed Mars closely looked like a troop following their leader. They also ran along different orbits, grew quickly from small to ____giant size, and terrorized the peoples of the earth." (5) Velikovsky's thesis, needless to say, met with nearly unanimous hostility and disbelief among astronomers. A reappraisal of the evidence bearing on the question, however, suggests that Velikovsky deserves great credit for anticipating the Martian origin of certain meteorites.
59. The Mythical History of the Comet Venus (Part I)
{The crescent?} arched above Saturn, the archaic "night." From the viewer's northern horizon a great column of light rose toward Saturn along the polar axis, looking very much like a pillar holding aloft both the planet and the celestial enclosure. The small orb at the apex of the column was the reddish planet Mars, the heaven-sustaining ____giant and warrior-hero of global myth. Spiralling out from the polar axis was a turquoise stream of gas or dust, terminating in the orb of Venus, remembered around the world as the mother goddess. Myth-making imagination perceived this projection as a revolving curl of "lifebreath," a circling beard or sidelock, or the termination of a rope.
70. Samson Revealed
{The city} gate, it can be shown, was intimately related to the primeval cycle of day and night. (77) As we have documented, the position of Mars with respect to the polar column fluctuated with the evolution of the polar configuration, the red planet alternately appearing as a tiny orb set within the center of Venus and as a ____giant orb beneath the outlines of Saturn. It is the latter scenario which inspired the conception of the Martian hero upholding the heavens with his upraised arms, the hero's arms being strictly synony-mous with the recumbant crescent. (78) It is probable that this placement of Mars also accounts for the epithet "gatekeeper of the sun".
71. The Saturn Thesis (Part 3)
Variations of the scarring motif include such mythological figures as the Hindu Indra, Greek Theseus, Blackfoot Indian "Scarface," and the Aztec Tlaloc.) Well, it struck me, when looking at a picture of Mars, that, even in a small photo, the continental-scale chasm on Mars, the Valles Marineris, looks like a ____giant scar. And I realized that any electrical discharge capable of carving out such a chasm would throw an immense amount of rock into surrounding space, and this could explain the swarming meteoritic retinue of the hero (Velikovsky's Maruts), while explaining as well why ancient astronomers declared that meteorites falling on Earth were hurled by the planet Mars.
81. The Rise of Blood Sacrifice
Celestial combat from a Mesopotamian seal impression showing Ninurta in pursuit of the serpent dragon Mushusshu The subject moved from the hands of narrow specialists to students of religion. They discovered a worldwide "combat myth of gods and heroes who encounter and defeat dragons, monsters, demons, and ____giants." (6) During such duels, deities were trying to exterminate each other. Thus, many of the ritualistic scenes could be categorized under the "combat type of sacrifice" (Fontenrose). Illustrations and sagas were found all over the world, depicting or describing these deities in anthropomorphic, theriomorphic or mixed form.
83. Indra's Theft of the Sun-God's Wheel
Although during its phase as the "pupil of the eye" Mars appeared in relative close proximity to Venus, it periodically descended along the polar axis, whereupon it assumed a position ominously close to the planet Earth. It was during this latter phase that Mars presented the appearance of a ____giant upholding heaven, or of an immense polar column spanning the skies. It is to this scenario, apparently, that traditions identifying Indra as an Atlas-like figure properly relate. (122) Here again it is the Egyptian Shu who offers the closest parallel to the Vedic war-god, the former god frequently being depicted upholding the divine realm.
84. The Saturn Thesis: Questions and Answers
And myth, in one obvious sense, is fiction. It is make believe. But here again, clarity is vital. It should be obvious we're not suggesting that things occurred in the manner implied by mythical language itself. We don't need to be told that fiery serpents and dragons, or heaven-sustaining ____giants, or ships in the sky, or witches on brooms do not exist in the sense understood by the myth-makers. The question we're asking is: What are the celestial references, and where did the myths come from? In what human experiences did the most powerful themes of myth originate?
92. The Israelite Conquest of Canaan
{There is} the astral mythical background of tales like David weeping over Absalom caught with his hair in a Terebinth tree, stabbed there by his Loki-like brother Joab, then buried under a heap of stones to form a massebe; or of David and Goliath reenacting the typical celestial combat in which the newborn hero redeems the earth by vanquishing or pacifying a threatening ____giant - such themes are too well known to require elaboration here. (Moses nailing the snake Nehustan on a pole represents basically the same story.) Old Testament scholars agree that the terminology used to describe the borders of David's and Solomon's empire is Persian, and that these in fact reflect the borders of Persia's satrapy "Transeuphrates."
102. Homer in the Baltic
This sound deceived them into thinking that landing was at hand when, in reality, shipwreck on the reefs was the inevitable outcome. We can find remarkable parallels between Greek and Norse mythology. For example, Ulysses is similar to Ull, an archer and warrior of Norse legend. The sea ____giant Aegaeon (who gave his name to the Aegean Sea) is the counterpart of the Norse sea god Aegir. Proteus, the Old Man of the Sea (who is the mythic shepherd of seals living in the depths, and is capable of foretelling the future) is similar to the "marmendill" (mentioned by the Hàlfs Saga).
106. The Opening Of The Mouth Ritual - Part I
Protective amulets interspersed among them, completed the wrapping. At this stage the body is a white statue-like being, an exact copy of how Osiris was perceived to have been. This image, I believe, came directly from the appearance of the Saturnian configuration at a time when it was fairly static and the polar column (anthropomorphized as a ____giant sky god) was of a whitish hue. David Talbot has remarked that the column probably had a "glowing embryo" that made observers believe "Osiris was being wrapped in light" and this later became "the white linen wrappings of the mummified form." [36] Next, an elaborate head and shoulder mask {was made}.
112. Imaginary Worlds: The Debate Heats Up
"The verse, as pointed out by Axel Olrik, is evidently an imitation or travesty of folk-songs and, as Karl Aubert has shown, its prototype must certainly have been the first verse of the same folk-song that is now known in Sweden by the name of Kung Speleman: " 'There lived a ____giant by Helsingborg, King Fiddler was his name. Sure he had greater store of silver Than others of fat bacon, etc. '" Beal will learn nothing from this. But if it pleases him to believe that Claudius Ptolemy, working in the 2nd century AD, amused himself by assigning names to rivers in Greenland.
119. The Cosmic Double Helix
{Some myths involve} spiraling dragons, which in one case flank a central pillar, and in the other are wrapped around a central pillar with their tails intertwined. [89] The Intertwining Serpents And The Backbone And Torso. Entwined serpents from Indonesia. (Illustration by Marty Noble.) The axis mundi often becomes symbolised as the spine or the body of a ____giant anthropomorphic being. The interchangeability of the caduceus as a staff and as the embodiment of a deity had been anticipated by Frothingham when he wrote that: "But before it became the god's emblem, the caduceus had been, in the pre-anthropomorphic era, the god himself: and continued to be so regarded long after the prevalence of anthropomorphism.
45. Day Star
{Looking} for these particular epithets - there being no evidence for a communication of astronomical traditions between these three cultures - it stands to reason that they have reference to some fundamental (and obvious) characteristic of the planet. Yet what is there about the current appearance or behavior of Venus that would lead peoples around the globe to compare it to a ____giant "eye"? Another Maya name for Venus was u lol zaz caan, "the luminous (big) flower of the sky." [7 ] Here, too, it is difficult to discern the objective basis for this epithet in Venus' current appearance and behavior.
76. Mother Goddess and Warrior-Hero (Part One)
Though the principle enjoys no precedent in prior speculations, it is implicit in both the myth of the solitary sun god's single eye, and the symbolism of the child in the eye, while it also accords fully with the traditions of polar suns and of planetary conjunctions dominating Saturn's Golden Age. In the earliest remembered celestial condition the ____giant orb of the motionless Saturn displayed in its center the turquoise orb of Venus, while the still smaller planet Mars appeared as a reddish sphere against the turquoise backdrop of Venus. The crucial events of the creation myth, together with the biographies of the mother goddess and warrior-hero, can now be viewed from an entirely new perspective.
97. The Saturn Thesis (Part 2)
There is a vast range of myths expressing the idea of extended arms, tentacles, tendrils of hair, serpentine hair or other appendages of the chaos monster. We will get to this when we take up the subject of the goddess in her Terrible Aspect. But, meanwhile, it's worth mentioning that the hundred armed ____giants, serpent-haired Gorgons, Hydras, and other tentacled monsters of earliest remembered times were intimately associated with the evolving early forms of creation, often remembered in later myths and folk tales as less-than-impressive first attempts by the creator. These early forms are remarkably similar to each other in more ways than one.
116. Let There Be Darkness: An Archetypal Analysis of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich
{He had a} profound aversion to the cruelty of hunting, vivisection, and the consumption of meat generally." (157) After the attempt on his life during the military conference of July 20, 1944, "Hitler's fury ... knew no bounds". (158) The "noble wolf" had become Fenrir itself, the "sinister ____giant wolf, regarded as a descendant of the original abyss, so voracious is he and capable of engulfing creatures in his mouth". (159) So, too, would Europe be engulfed in the remaining days of World War II before "Herr Wolf" finally expired by his own hand in his subterranean den known as the Bunker.
118. Morning Star*
In the Pyramid Texts, the eye is even compared to a headband. "O Osiris the king," it is there stated, "I make firm the eye of Horus on your head- a headband." (345) And, in Norse mythology, we find Odin's all-piercing eye described as "a ____giant wheel." (346) Additional indication of the correctness of our conjecture is then derived from the cosmic event that was responsible for the evolution of the Saturnian band into seven concentric rings which, in the Celtic Tain Bo Cuailnge, become Cuchulain's "seven bright pupils." (347) These seven rings were also visualized as {something}.
13. Ladder to Heaven
{The} warrior climbs up on to a tree, into which his stick had changed itself, and arrives in heaven." [26] As this tradition attests, the Fiji Islanders, together with many other peoples, believed that heaven formerly rested close to earth. In North America, the Algonquin tell of a hero's ascent to heaven along a ____giant tree. There it is the dwarf Tchakabech who makes the primeval ascent in order to reach the kingdom of the sun-god: "He decided to ascend to the Sky and climbed upward on a tree, which grew as he breathed upon it, until he reached the heavens, where he found the loveliest country in the world."
16. The Milky Way
In order to be similarly interpreted by peoples as disparate as the aboriginal peoples of Australia and Africa, the celestial serpent must needs be an obvious phenomenon. Yet who among us can point to anything resembling a serpent-dragon in the current heavens? The Rope of Heaven It is equally common to find the band of heaven envisaged as a ____giant rope or cord stretched across the sky. (17) According to the Ho tribe of Africa, the Milky Way resulted from "the stars all combining to bind a rope." (18) The Enuma Elish tells of a ____giant rope known as markas same u irsitim, which bound heaven to earth. (19)
19. On Dragons and Red Dwarves
However we answer this question, Murukan's role in the deliverance of the sun remains significant given this god's implicit identification with the planet Mars, the very planet we recognize behind the mythology of Indra (We will have reason to refer to Murukan's brilliant red color later in this article). (18) A ____giant tree is also the eclipsing agent in a fascinating tale preserved in the Kalevala. There the hero who eventually frees the sun, strangely enough, is a homunculus by the name of Sampsa. The Finnish account reads as follows: A man rose out of the sea, a hero from the waves.
47. The Death of Heracles
{There was a} wasting disease" which ravaged the body of the Greek strongman. Had we the necessary space it could be demonstrated that this motive of corporeal "withering" is an archetypal theme in the mythology of the warrior-hero. (66) Throughout the Americas, for example, there can be found traditions of a hero who, upon ascent of a ____giant tree spanning the heavens, becomes stranded there for one reason or another, whereupon he suffers a withering in form, ostensibly from lack of food and water. Levi-Strauss has traced this tradition in dozens of different cultures in North and South America, concluding that the hero represents a celestial body. (67)
69. Heracles and the Planet Mars
{There were} great civilizations of the East. To summarize very briefly: palaces, royal cities, and even simple houses were believed to stand at the Center of the World', on the summit of the Cosmic Mountain." (43) As Eliade documents, the Cosmic Mount may take various mythical forms, some of the more common being a ____giant pillar, a heaven sustaining tree, or a great spring spanning the skies. Besides being the "Center of the World" and the dwelling-place of the gods, the Cosmic Mount also formed the link between the earth, heaven and the underworld (the axis mundi). Ancient Mesopotamia, in fact, provides some of the best {evidence}.
73. Sothis and the Morning Star in the Pyramid Texts
{The} planet Mars with ancient conceptions of the World Pillar, the latter deemed to be the place from whence the sun rose and set. (94) Although frequently envisaged as a cosmic mountain, the World Pillar could be symbolized with various other forms. (95) In Mesopotamia, as throughout the ancient world, it was envisaged as a ____giant tree. It is in this fashion that we would interpret Nergal/Mars' intimate relationship with the sacred Meshu-tree, described as "that pure tree ... whose roots reached as deep down as the bottom of the underworld ... whose top reached as high as the sky of Anum." (96)
99. Maya Cosmos: A Saturnian Interpretation
Itzam-Yeh = Seven-Macaw Itzam-Yeh landing in the World Tree. (NOTE: The tree in the image is a ceiba.) Offended by this boast and to save the Maya from this " false sun," the Hero Twins decided to put Seven-Macaw in his place. One day, as Seven-Macaw swooped down to land in his ____giant tree, One-Hunahpu shot him with a pellet from his blowgun. (There actually is a painted Maya pot that dates this event to May 28, 3149 B.C .!) In any event, the pellet hit the bird's tooth, or knocked him down, and broke his jaw (versions vary in detail).
107. The Female Star
As David Talbott and I have elsewhere argued, Venus' femininity is already apparent when, as the sacred eye of heaven, she was said to have contained the "seed" that was Mars. [106] Note here that Odysseus uses a club of olive wood to blind the ____giant (remember the club of the Skidi Mars), while, elsewhere, an olive tree serves as the foundation post of the peculiar bed which he shares with Penelope. Once again, we have a classic example of the axis mundi as World Tree. [107]
108. On Mars and Pestilence
{Something} dawned with the reappearance of Saturn, the planet-god now being associated with a series of bands and set atop a fiery pillar of light (this pillar, it would appear, developed as a result of the fiery debris having become spread out between the planets participating in the polar configuration, particularly Mars and Earth). Commonly envisaged as a ____giant mountain, tree, or spring, the World Pillar was specifically associated with the planet Mars, which now seemed to uphold Saturn's kingdom. (216) It was Mars' intimate association with this celestial spring which accounts for the fact that so many Martian heroes were regarded as patrons of hot-springs (Heracles, Apollo, Mars, etc).
120. Maya Cosmos: A Saturnian Interpretation (Part II)
In Yukatek myth, the celestial umbilical cord, kuxan sum, is at the world centre. As Mayanist Peter Dunham relates: "[ They] describe a heavenly road connected to and sometimes contiguous with a living rope' filled with blood that descends from the sky, often through the heart of a ____giant ceiba at an important site...the kuxan sum...transcends the void and transports the essence of celestial power (blood) to the earthly realm, where it animates life and those ordained by the cosmos. The living rope passes through the world tree at the center of creation." [66]
17. Typhon and the Comet of the Exodus: Rockenbach's Lost Source
{A comet} was fiery, in the form of an imperfect circle, with its head rolling around; it was in the shape of a globe and was of terrible aspect. It was called Typhon after the king then ruling in Egypt. This king, as asserted by reliable men, had subjugated the kings of the Egyptians with the help of the ____giants. The comet was also seen, as some maintain, in Syria, Babylonia, India, in the sign of Capricorn, in the form of a disc. This happened at the time when the children of Israel were led from Egypt toward the Promised Land by a leader and teacher of the way, in daytime by a column {of smoke, at night by a pillar of fire}.
{To} opt for cosmic changes in the System within the memory of man, one could perhaps find it in the theoretical scenario proposed by Victor Clube and Bill Napier. Their theory propounds the occurrence of cataclysmic events, caused by extraterrestrial phenomena, within historical times. More specifically, they theorize that the Taurid meteor stream may be the remnants of a ____giant comet which terrorized ancient man. This ____giant comet, in turn, would have been generated when the distant Oort cloud was disturbed through one of its periodic galactic disturbances. The Origin of Comets was written by Clube and Napier in collaboration with M.A . Bailey. The book commences with a review of ancient cometary theories.
Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision has not only been one of them, in the end it totally changed my life. In this work Velikovsky proposed that, in the distant past, but still within man's memory, the planet Jupiter ejected from itself a smaller but sizeable body that careened across the solar system in the form of a ____giant comet. Coming into close contact with Earth, but avoiding an actual collision, this cometary body caused a series of catastrophic events which mankind remembered and passed on to his descendants in an oral and written tradition that eventually evolved into the well-known mythologies of the various nations. Thus the gods and goddesses of antiquity seem to have really been {celestial objects}.
22. The Countdown to a New Celestial Hazard
{The} resonances are therefore anticipated at 105 year intervals where they can be expected to break up and produce comparatively long-lived swarms of meteoroids and dust, possibly with some degree of regularity as the librating source encounters the resonant core. Indeed, repeated injections of zodiacal dust and the existence of a long-lived swarm of meteoroids are among the expected signatures of a ____giant comet in the final stages of its decay. The upshot of the catastrophism debate therefore is two very different views of our cometary environment. On the one hand, we have a very tidy picture involving mostly meteoritic impacts disturbing the Earth, in which there is no basis for supposing that the Taurids have any significance.
In some accounts, for example, the god builds a great city or temple, wears a radiant crown or sits upon a revolving throne. Other myths, in equally colorful terms, have the god fashioning a cosmic egg, dwelling in an island in the middle of the sea, or bringing forth a ____giant serpent, whose own body provides the god's celestial habitat. Still other accounts locate the god amidst a lake of fire, or a magical, celestial rope, or in the middle of a great wheel. (3) Are these different stories, or different mythical expressions of the same story?
29. Thundergods and Thunderbolts
{There were} manly deeds of Indra, the first that he achieved, the Thunder-wielder. He slew the Dragon, then disclosed the waters, and cleft the channels of the mountain torrents. He slew the Dragon lying on the mountain; his heavenly bolt of thunder Tvastr fashioned." [27] This association of the thundergod with the slaying of a ____giant serpent threatening to destroy the world forms a recurring and apparently universal motif. The Norse Thor was known as orms einbani, "sole slayer of the serpent." [28] The Iroquois thundergod is described as "having slain the great Serpent of the waters, which was devouring mankind." [29]
43. Venus in Ancient Myth and Language
{There was} a comet-like Venus with Saturn, reflected in the earliest astronomical and religious texts alike, a connection which we interpreted as having developed at the time when Saturn reigned supreme in the skies as the central sun. Indeed, we were able to point to a time when Venus orbited the massive Saturn, its comet-like tail presenting the appearance of a ____giant band encircling Saturn. It was the unique relationship of Venus with Saturn, in our opinion, which accounted in large part for the origin and distinctive astral character of much of the mythology associated with the world's great goddesses. Given this celestial scenario, improbable though it must seem at first sight, it could hardly fail to be reflected.
46. The Birth of Athena
{That is a} tell-tale sign of just how far we are from achieving a real understanding of Greek mythology. Velikovsky's Athena. Perhaps the most novel explanation of Athena's birth was that offered by Immanuel Velikovsky, who saw in the myth an ancient cataclysm associated with the planet Jupiter (Zeus), one in which the planet Venus (Athena) was born from the ____giant planet in comet-like form. Velikovsky's thesis, presented in 1950 in the book Worlds in Collision, inspired an extensive and often vitriolic debate, one which shows little sign of abating. (11) At first sight Velikovsky's hypothesis hardly inspires confidence, nor would it appear to represent an improvement upon those offered by classical scholars.
50. The Great Comet Venus
{It was} stretching and folding, together with stupendous rifts, creating zigzag lines or fractures reaching across much of the planet's surface. Immense fractures in spider-like patterns called Arachnoids - having no terrestrial counterpart- stretch up to 250 kilometers across. Even larger formations, likened to "failed soufflés" (both in appearance and in formative process), are the ____giant coronae- great volcanic domes hundreds of kilometers in breadth, rising under the pressure of expanding lava, then collapsing as the lava oozed away. That an Earth-sized planet, settled in its own quiet corner of the solar system, would generate volcanic activity on such a scale is a mystery not easily resolved by traditional theories of planet formation.
52. Venus in Ancient Myth and Language: Part Two
{Thus} it places Venus' cometary phase during the time when the planet Saturn loomed large in the ancient skies, as the ancient sun-god (i.e., long before the time period covered in Worlds in Collision). Indeed a central episode in the career of the Venus-comet concerns the role which that body played in the production of a ____giant band which came to envelop the ancient sun-god. The issue facing us here is how our reconstruction squares with previous studies on the religion of the Latin goddess. In one sense, of course, it is entirely incompatible with modern scholarship on the matter, based as it is upon an understanding of the goddess as a personification of the {planet Venus}.
78. Suns and Planets in Neolithic Rock Art
For example, a survey of ancient traditions reveals the following recurring motives: (1) in ancient times different "suns" dominated the visible heavens; (2) the world was once plunged into darkness and brought to the brink of destruction when the sun was eclipsed as a result of being swallowed by a ____giant dragon; (3) on one occasion, it is said, the planet Venus took on a comet-like appearance. (2) Such traditions, in the rare event that they are encountered and subjected to analysis, are notoriously difficult to interpret, and, in any case, are typically explained away as poetic metaphor having little basis {in reality}.
{They were} intended and they were based on everything we knew about Venus, but people couldn't separate minimum fact from maximum imagination, and what emerged was gibberish. Martin Caiden, Planetfall (New York, 1974), p. 138 In 1950, Immanuel Velikovsky claimed that the testimony of ancient peoples from all parts of the globe described Venus as a ____giant, brilliant comet. Based on Velikovsky's analysis of this data he drew the conclusion that Venus was a newborn planet in the early cool-down stage of its development. Therefore, if his understanding of the evidence was correct then Venus' surface should exhibit all the conditions of a world that was very recently molten and is most likely still volcanic.
90. Apollo and the Planet Mars
{It} would have inspired the Greeks to suspect a relation between the two archer-gods. There are indications, moreover, that Reseph played the role of dragon-slayer in Ugaritic myth, much like Apollo in the Delphic myth of the Python. In the Ugaritic Text 1001, for example, Reseph appears as the defender of Baal during the latter's battle with a ____giant dragon. It is Reseph's arrows which finally dispatch the monster, apparently rescuing Baal and the heavenly kingdom in the process (this Ugaritic text is frequently cited as an early prototype of Hab. 3: 3-15, where Yahweh fights the sea. And it is in Hab. 3 that Reseph appears as Yahweh's ally). (15)
91. Cosmic Catastrophism
These ancient writers knew Greek religion firsthand and had much better sources for their statements about Greek identifications of Athena or Aphrodite than we now have. Yet Velikovsky tosses aside their testimony in favor of his own unsupported claim that the early Greeks really equated the goddess Athena with the planet Venus. The Greek myth of Zeus's battle with the ____giant Typhon also supposedly derived from the catastrophes connected with the fifteenth-century B.C . approach of the comet-planet Venus. According to Velikovsky, the Greeks were so confused that they didn't know which planet, Jupiter (Zeus) or Venus (Athena), was really involved in the fearful incidents taking place. (52) But it is ...
96. On Comets and Kings
{It was an} event associated with the dawn of time - literally. An especially widespread interpretation of the tumultuous occasion associated with Venus' expulsion and ascension saw that planet as preparing the way for the reappearance of the sun by sweeping away the cloud of debris concealing it. Aztec rites commemorated this event in the following peculiar manner. At each dawn they banged a ____giant drum which was said to commemorate the voice of Ehecatl (Venus). Women then rose and swept their homes, guided, according to Duran, by some ancient belief. See Duran, op cit., p. 134. This ancient belief, according to the thesis here, was the primal sweeping associated with Venus.
104. The Cosmic String of Pearls
{It looked like a} string of pearls upon its approach of Jupiter []. The most spectacular display of a cosmic string of pearls was undoubtedly that of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 which plowed into Jupiter a few years ago. [107] There is good reason to believe that a ____giant comet coming on a close approach with Earth - as proposed in the works of Victor Clube, Bill Napier, and Mark Bailey - would have shown a similar development. Since Duncan Steel is apparently unaware of the mythical motif of the segmented axis, it is striking to see him speculating that this hypothetical Earth-crossing comet would have exhibited precisely {that appearance}.
114. Velikovsky in America
{He} never quite managed to give Donnelly full credit for anticipating much of his own hypothesis. Apparently, he was never aware that a 1940 book also used his interdisciplinary approach to develop another similar cosmic scenario: "Thus, uniting the Deluge of Ogyges with the exploits of Phaethon and Typhon, we come to the conclusion that ... a ____giant comet produced a series of modifications in the Solar system, followed by cataclysms on the surface of our planet." (49) Appleton-Century did not long consider his manuscript, however, and returned it. One of the editors, though, was thoughtful enough to suggest that Macmillan might be interested. Unfortunately, Macmillan had already rejected {it}.
I reckon giants in ancient myths did refer to the planets, but it's still possible that there were giant humans, just as there were giant versions of other animals. says:
Ancient times saw many animals with giant versions of their modern counterparts. Here's a list of animals that had giant prehistoric relatives:
Sharks: Megalodon, reaching up to 60 feet (18 meters) in length7.
Sloths: Megalonyx jeffersonii, growing up to 9.8 feet (3 m) long and weighing up to 2,205 lbs (1,000 kg)7.
Snakes: Titanoboa, the largest snake of all time5.
Crocodiles: Sarcosuchus, Deinosuchus, and Purussaurus, each reaching about 40 feet (12.5m) in length1.
Lizards: Megalania (Varanus priscus), reaching about 23 feet in length1.
Arthropods: Jaekelopterus rhenaniae, a giant sea scorpion measuring 8.6 feet (2.7m) in length1.
Millipedes: Arthropleura armata, reaching 8 feet (2.5m) in length1.
Dragonflies: Meganeura, with a wingspan of about 2.5 feet (80cm)1.
Trilobites: Isotelus rex, over 2 feet (71.1cm) in length1.
Rhinos: Elasmotherium, reaching up to 5–5.2 m (16–17 ft) long2.
Camels: Titanotylopus, possibly reaching 2,485.6 kg (5,480 lb) and a shoulder height of over 3.4 m (11 ft)2.
Tapirs: Tapirus augustus, weighing about 623 kg (1,373 lb)2.
Horses: Prehistoric horses much larger than modern ones2.
Pigs: Kubanochoerus gigas, weighing up to 500 kg (1,100 lb)2.
Giraffes: Sivatherium, with a body weight of 1,250 kg (2,760 lb)2.
Turtles: Megalochelys atlas, weighing about 1,000 kg (2,200 lb)6.
Penguins: Giant prehistoric penguins7.
Otters: Giant prehistoric otters7.
Bears: Short-faced bears7.
Cheetahs: Giant prehistoric cheetahs7.
This list showcases the diverse range of animals that had giant ancestors or relatives in prehistoric times, spanning various ecosystems and time periods.
1. ... ic-animals
2. ... ic_animals
3. ... ic-animals
4. ... al-Animals
5. ... 180982010/
7. ... imals.html
8. ... B16BAgGEAI
15. The Velikovsky Archive
{It was published? in} early 1977, and was practically complete by the time I came to work for Velikovsky in July 1976. Only minor changes were submitted to the publisher at the last minute, and these involved the descriptions of the markings on the tiles at Tell el-Yahudiya. This was one of the three books that received a checkmark in Veli-kovsky's own lifetime. ____Giants. This planned book was part of the series on the cosmic catastrophes that preceded the ones related in Worlds in Collision. In the black three-ring binder of bibliographical quotes that Velikovsky had compiled was one full of references to ____giants. The book on ____giants he had intended to write would have touched upon the monolithic structures at Baalbek and other {ancient sites}.
Ev Cochrane recently opined that Jeff Drohn's idea that the pyramids were built as chemical factories is absurd. I don't know if Ev knows that Jeff doesn't regard pyramid tech as advanced compared to modern tech. Some pyramids have apparently held remains of possibly former rulers. But it seems plausible to me that ancient peoples would have had better reasons to build huge structures than just to be tombs for rulers, or just religious structures. It looks like most pyramids are under 200 feet high, but they still required a great deal of human labor to build. This link has pics of pyramids around the world: Offhand I would guess that the largest pyramids were built for more than ceremonial purposes. Likewise regarding other megalithic structures.
The total number of pyramids worldwide is estimated to be over 500, with new discoveries still being made. However, the average volume of each pyramid is not provided in the search results.
Countries with Ancient Pyramids
Ancient pyramids have been discovered in the following countries:
Egypt (approximately 138 pyramids)
Sudan (around 255 pyramids)
Mexico (over 100 pyramids)
Peru (30+ pyramids)
El Salvador
China (38 pyramids)
Nigeria (10 Nsude pyramids)
Italy (Rome)
Total Number of Pyramids Worldwide
The exact number of pyramids worldwide is difficult to determine due to ongoing discoveries and varying definitions of what constitutes a pyramid. However, based on the available information:
There are more than 500 confirmed pyramids worldwide2.
Some estimates suggest there could be around 1000 pyramids in Mesoamerica alone, including Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador5.
Sudan is reported to have the highest number of pyramids of any country, with an estimated 255 pyramids6,9.
It's important to note that these numbers may change as new archaeological discoveries are made and as definitions of pyramids evolve.
1. ... -of-egypt/
3. ... n_pyramids
4. http://artisticlicenseorwhyitrustnoone. ... -to_6.html
5. ... n-pyramids
6. ... 135-e-8664
7. ... st-famous/
8. ... se-kingdom
9. ... -the-world