(_Megasequence Rock Layers Megasequences are repeating layers of sediments from flood waters: conglomerate, sand, shale, and limestone (then unconformity) as materials become sorted by water based on weight and settling. ... The heaviest material dropped out first, followed by lighter materials (sand and then clay), until only the finest grains (lime) were left. ... Megasequences are separated by flat, eroded surfaces, called unconformities. To erode a flat surface across the entire continent means the ocean water was incredibly energetic. As the waters slowed down, they deposited another megasequence on top of the previous unconformity. This process was repeated, making 5 or 6 megasequences.
(_Noah’s Flood Key to Earth History Not only were catastrophic processes involved in the creation of the thick accumulation of sediment layers on the continents, but observations reveal that a significant fraction of this deposited sediment was subsequently stripped away in a rapid manner near the end of the cataclysm. This [is] shown in a relatively clear way in the Colorado Plateau region of North America as indic[a]ted in Figure 22. Massive sheet erosion seems to be required to remove [a] huge volume of sediment once present but now missing from much of the Colorado Plateau region (Snelling 2009, 595-596). This suggests that a rapid increase in the volume of the oceans and a consequent rapid lowering of the global sea level may be responsible [for] a rapid runoff of water from the continent interiors that removed a notable fraction of the upper layers of sediment that had not yet been cemented and lithified.
(_Cypress Hills Planation Surface The flat planation surface of the Serengeti Plain in East Africa, which truncates deformed igneous and metamorphic rocks in the subsurface [during the regression stage of the Great Flood].
(_Rapid rock In natural rocks, many minerals can cement the grains together. Common cements include calcite, quartz, or minerals of iron. ... Chemical solutions penetrate the pore spaces and react to form calcite crystals on grain surfaces. When cemented, the sediment is rock hard. The process mimics how sedimentary rock forms in nature.
(_Volcanic Ash Turns to Stone in Months
(_The Rock Walls of Rockwall County But how long does it take for sand to harden? Not long at all, if the conditions are right, and particularly if a cement is present to bind the grains
(_Is There Geological Evidence for the Young Earth? But it only takes a few hundred years at best for sandy sediments to turn to sandstone in the presence of high overburden pressure and adequate cement.
(_Speedy stone from sand to rock The Dutch have been impressed by the capability of the bacteria to cement the sand samples hard.
(_Sedimentary Heavitree Quartzite This formation is composed mostly of quartz sand, with white and tan grains cemented into very hard rock by silica cement.
(_Ute Pass Fault: Sand Injectites and Rapid Deformation Fit the Flood Hematite cement is abundant and imparts a red or purple coloration to the injectites.
(_Message in a bottle But why should it be amazing that minerals precipitated from seawater could cement all these things together into solid rock?
(_Shock Dynamics During the Flood, massive waves of ocean water wash onto the land, depositing sediment from the continental shelf. Each wave then retreats, but rising water brings the next wave farther inland. As atmospheric pressure falls from 2 or 3 bars to 1, much calcium carbonate precipitates from the sea water by "degassing", forming limestone and cementing the sand and mud. These become the thick sedimentary rock layers that are full of "Paleozoic" and "Mesozoic" fossils.
(_Shock Dynamics Before the Flood, there [was] much sand and mud around the edges (shelf) of the protocontinent and East Antarctica. [The Great Flood washed much of these sediments onto Pangaea. The asteroid strike broke up Pangaea and the horizontal forces folded the freshly deposited sediments and uplifted mountain ranges. The folded strata didn't crack or break because the sediments were soft and unlithified. (See this video.)]
(_Soft-Sediment Deformation: Recent Flood Evidence As illustrated in the accompanying sketch and photograph, although these layers were bent excessively, there is no evidence of broken [rock].
(_Tight Folds and Clastic Dikes as Evidence for Rapid Deposition Deformation